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Getting hold of your supervisor during the summer term

... that sounds remarkably like the problems at my uni library where there's one silent working room with about 20 desks, which has cleverly been placed between the computer room and the group-work area. And they've put in lots of colourful sofas to attract the undergrads - who now treat the place like a common room. Not long ago I saw a student order pizza to be delivered to him at the library, and when he walked passed the librarians with two pizza boxes, chips, ketchup and coke noone batted an eyelid!

Supervisor avoidance !

I can relate to that panicky feeling before a supervision where you don't think you've got enough to say, or you feel that you haven't worked out how to say it coherently. But I'm sure you've got more to say than you think, and you might go away having learned something new. Sometimes a chance throwaway comment from my supervisor has really made me think about my ideas in a new light. And even though deadlines can be a source of stress, they can help to focus your mind and your ideas.

I think it's important to have regular contact with your supervisor, even if some meetings are quite brief. My supervisor seems to be avoiding me: we haven't met for 3 months (which isn't untypical) and I find the lack of structure and direction quite difficult. In my experience, once you stop having regular scheduled meetings (as I did in my first year) it can become difficult to pin your supervisor down and get the contact you're entitled to.