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What to do?

Thanks, working in ecotoxicology

What to do?

Hi, I had a few interviews for PhDs this year and unfortunately got knocked back. I still want to do one, but will probably be next year now, unless something comes up late. In the mean time I wondered what others would do, I have just accepted a lab job, is this better than doing a masters in the year. I thought it would be as you don't actually need a Masters and experience would look good, also if something comes up mid year I can leave a job, whereas it would be harder to leave a Masters. What do you reckon?

3-year funding ends soon / What about 4th year?

I spoke to someone yesterday, who said if you dont secure funding for the 4th year and have to pay, there are ways of reducing the amount, such as registiring as part time, which would cut the tuition fees in half.

Dodgy problem at interview coming up 8(

seems like we're the only ones that seem bothered about this particular topic i00t2000!

Dodgy problem at interview coming up 8(

I was wondering that too, I've applied for a few things, I've got an interview for one shortly, but I'm waiting to hear from one, and the close date is not passed on another. If you interview and get offered the place and accept, then a month down the line phone up and say you dont want to do it any more, does anyone know if there would be any repercussions?

Born on the 30th of Jan? Let's take the day off today :-)

It was my birthday yesterday too, but I was born a decade later, just turned 23. Think I'm a rat, hardly very glamorous, what does it say about them?

I'm so lazy

Judging by this thread and the one about not quitting, it really sounds like your not motivated by your PhD. I may be getting it completely wrong, and I dont like to pass judgement the way you obviously do. I obviously find it hard to get out of bed some days, but only when I feel I've got nothing to get up for.

I am not on a PhD yet, so I realise I'm in a different boat, but thats just how it seems.

Do they mean it?

I agree, I dont want to dash your hopes or anything, but I am currently searching for a PhD and saw one last year, I met with the supervisor and everything, then he contacted me saying, how suitable he thought I was, and how he and his collegues felt I would greatly contribute to their team. But unfortunately he then phoned me about a week later and told me he was sorry but he had met with someone else he was going to offer the place to. So I'd definately keep your options open if I was you