Overview of TomR

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anyone else struggling to start qualitative analysis?

I'm in the same situation as you trying to get going with my analysis. I'm using AtlasTI which is great i think the trick is to start off with only a few codes and slowely build them up. Also its important to reguarly go back over your codes to make sure you are not duplicating them. I find the Note and memo functions particuarly helpful so i can keep an eye on my thought processes.

CAQDAS network project at Surrey university offers some very helpful courses.

How much work did you do in your first couple of months

I'm about to start my PHD, i'm fully funded but still think I will have to earn a bit of money on the side to keep me in the Black. I have been offered 10 days consultancy work over a two month period (the first two months of my PhD. If I take it I will earn enough to insure I won't have to do any more paid work for the rest of the year. However, I am worried that I may get a bit behind with my Phd work which would not be a good start

Any tips or experiences would be apreciated


national insurance contributions

I agree that research councils should provide us with more information. The ESRC recommend that we speak to a local benefits office - however, I shouldn’t imagine that it is the sort of enquire they get to often so not convinced they could help much - I may try though!

Partner/ family / friends who don't understand what you 'do' ?

As I am just starting out on the PhD journey allot of friends and family are quite interested in exactly what I am going to be spending the next few years working on. The trouble is by title is long winded and sounds rather complicated! I have tried to simplify it and just say I am going to be looking at Environmental governance of Marine Conservation - eve this seems to take rather allot of explaining. I also describe it as a research job rather than a course as this seems to command a bit more respect!!

national insurance contributions

All this talk of the impending pensions crisis has got me thinking. Just wondering do any PhD students pay in to a pension fund? Also does anyone independently pay their national insurance contributions?

Hello- just thought I would introduce myself

Hi Hillyg
I'm Human! Going to be looking at Environmental governance issues in Marine Conservation.

Yes looking forward to meeting lots of like-minded people!

Hello- just thought I would introduce myself

Oh I hope I won't be to lonley!

Hello- just thought I would introduce myself

I'm new to the world of PhD's Just had my funding confirmed from the ESRC so going to be starting in the Geography dept at UCL in January - really looking forward to it but also a little worried as the two words which seem most associated with PhD are depression and disappear!! What am I letting myself in for!?