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Demotivated and tired

Thank you for your message, i really appreciate it, i have a supporting group of friends! But i have rare friends doing their phds..but will try always to seek support to pass this tough phase especially after the explosion of 4th of august it made things tougher! Thank u one more time

Demotivated and tired

I really appreciate your message, i started exercising again 6 weeks ago you are totally right it’s helping me a lot. Would you recommend a certain reference for the delphi to follow to calculate the consensus? I am relying on Blieck 2018, Consensus among stakeholders about success factors and indicators for quality of online and blended learning in adult education: a Delphi study, where i calculate the interquartile and median at the first round which is simple to do with SPSS but studying the stability at the 2nd and 3rd round which is complicated. Do u advise me another reference? Thank you a lot one more time

Demotivated and tired

I am in my 2nd year of my Phd in public health as a part-timer with a full time job. And it’s been a while i am demotivated, crying, edgy, tired all the time and procrastinating a lot, i am not meeting my to do lists. Reading others posts made me realize that’s maybe it’s normal what I am passing through. I feel like quitting cause I am just tired all the time and too stressed, i can’t take off days cause i can’t afford it with the economic situation in my country and to add on i have huge deadlines and i have the stress that i need to finish in 3 years cause cz self-funded. I am writing my scoping review article and doing the extraction of 42 articles, working on a delphi study with the whole statistical parts and preparing for the 2nd round, and validating 2 outcome measures tools on patients in parallel... always feeling am incompetent and my work is not good enough, that i should read more references, improve more the writing, fix the protocols. I have 2 supervisors cause i am doing it jointly between 2 universities, they are supportive but i feel sometimes they r over busy to really help me practically. Sorry for the long post.. any tip to motivate me to continue and get back on track? Thank you