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Advise before starting PhD

Dear All,
Thank you very much for all the suggestions.

Dear Satchi, you had provided a very wonderful piece of advises and I always keep this in my mind. Just one more thing I need to know that I have still 2 months to go before my start of PhD so should I start reading now?
And may I know from your you did your graduate studies?

Thanks a lot.

Kind regards

Advise before starting PhD

Dear All,
Thank you very much for all the suggestions.

Dear Satchi, you had provided a very wonderful piece of advises and I always keep this in my mind. Just one more thing I need to know that I have still 2 months to go before my start of PhD so should I start reading now?
And may I know from your you did your graduate studies?

Thanks a lot.

Kind regards

Advise before starting PhD

Yes, it is there in 1st week of October.
Moreover, in my department one more is there at the end of August.


Advise before starting PhD

I am with Randal Division, Guy's campus.

Advise before starting PhD

Hey Podge,

That's gr8.. Yes we should meet. In which division your starting ur PhD?

Advise before starting PhD

thank you for the reply.

I am joining King's College London.

Kind regards

Advise before starting PhD


I got fully funded PhD position for this October in Biological Sciences in London.
Now as I am really excited to start my graduate studies I would like to know advises in general which I should keep in mind during the journey of PhD. I have three months to go, so what I can do meantime? Which important aspect I should always remember when I start my studies till 4 years.

Replies from current PhD student are much appreciated.

Thank you


Presentation for final selection for PhD

Can any one please share their experience.

Will be very helpful is you write.


Skype Interview


I appeared for that and got selected for 2nd round. I must say it is just like face to face interview.


Presentation for final selection for PhD


I have cleared first round of interview for my PhD in Germany ( I am by native an Indian). But now they called me for two days workshop which leads to final selection. It includes two things:

1) 10 minutes (strict) Presentation on MSc thesis.
2) A 30 min. examination on a research paper which they will send me few days before the workshop.

Can anyone please suggest me what to include for my 10 min. presentation as I have lots of microscopic images during my thesis (MSc in cell biology). How much content I will include? Number of slides?
And for such kind of written exam on research article it will be helpful if anyone had been passed from same assessment for their PhD.

Please help me.

Thank you


Skype Interview


May I know for which course and degree you have Skype interview?

wish to pursue PHD


naturejobs.com and findaPhD.com will help you.


Skype Interview


I have a skype interview for PhD admission. Can anyone please guide me what preparations are required for such interview as I am giving such interview for the first time. How the interview starts? I had already given my skype id so do they call me on time and add me on skype?
How is the whole scenario might be exactly? Please answer the one who had undergone such interview to get a PhD position.

Thank you very much


Hi everone


I am working at my proposed supervisor's lab as volunteer (unpaid) in a hope that it may help me to get some experience as well as University funding for PhD. I did mentioned this in my application for university's overseas scholarship and my proposed supervisor gave me reference too. But unfortunately, I didn't received the scholarship and my to be guide said that she donot know any other funding possibility. For your kind information I had applied for other uni's in UK for PhD from where I got in total 3 rejections for scholarship.
What I will do now? I am badly looking for a paid position in UK as I am an overseas student. Do I still continue going to my proposed guide and if yes how it is beneficial? Do she will give me reference in future for getting a paid position?

If any one answer to this it will be very helpful for me.

Many thanks


Voluntary work at proposed supervisors lab

Hi Nieky,

Thank you for the reply. I had applied for Commonwealth Scholarship and Fellowship Programme when I was in India but unfortunately I am not nominated for interview. This may suggest that the competition is very tough.
I am looking for other places but since as an international student there is limited opportunities available.

I am not sure when the search of finding PhD place ends.
