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relationship with tutor deteriorated

Thanks 404. I have two supervisors, but the split between them is 70-30, and the other one doesn't have much knowledge of my subject area unfortunately, but he's very helpful on proof reading. I'm going to try and have a chat with my primary supervisor tomorrow, little worried about how it will go!

Claiming your expenses: How long does it take

I mean hear...doh!

Claiming your expenses: How long does it take

ok ours is crap, you fill in the form, dont here anthing for about 2-3 months and then they send you a cheque. They're great at taking money off you tho!

Last on to post on this thread wins

aah red dwarf classic

relationship with tutor deteriorated

Hi Guys, just an appeal for advice. Lately I've become anxious about how my relationship with my tutor has declined. When I first started here he seemed excited about my work, kept in regular contact and was full of advice an enthusiasm, he was pushing for me to suceeed. However after the first year of my PhD its changed, he no longer seems bothered. I sent him a structure for this chapter and its taken him two weks to get back to me!!! What makes it worse is that he's started to tutor another student, whose project is more in his area, and it seems like all his enthusiasm and interest is directed towards their work. I feel like I've been orphaned, I want to approach him about it but its not easy as I dont want to offend him... any ideas guys? Dx

Random Nose Bleeds: what might be a cause?!

I use to get them when I was really stressed...still do some times, you have my sympathy, horrible when you have to rush to the tissue box

A thread dedicated to brussel sprouts

hated them as a kid, not their ok...mainly hate the effect they have on my b/f and he loves them aswell

Mince Pies - Love Em or Hate Em?

how about some red wine and stilton cheese, thats christmassy to

Parsnips - what do we think?

actually happen to quite like roast parsnips, when I've done them myself. Sunday lunch, lamb, mash roast pots and parsnips bit of broccoli and some lovely gravy.... yumm!

Mince Pies - Love Em or Hate Em?

lol ...will make sure I do that before the department's xmas do on thursday, tho having heard the stories about previous ones, the greatest risk will come from one of the staff's attempt at dancing

Mince Pies - Love Em or Hate Em?

actually its the opposite with me, not a big fan of christmas cake but one of my aunt's home made mince pies, warm out of the oven, with a cuppa ...yum!

Where is the love?

mmm mince pie and glass of red wine for me

How much work do people get done just before xmas?

Tried to get stuff done but have goldfish like concentration atm, as proved by fact that instead of knuckling down and writing chapter keep on browsing the forum

how old are all of you guys?

Hey Chris...I'm in lovely damp Manchester to! Yeah my mum did something similar to me to...its even worse if hairdressers take the p$*s tho! Think I actually got my first white hair when I was 22! Did wonders for my ego when mum pointed it out in the centre of town then pulled it out! Know mine get worse when I get stressed, therefore my PhD must be financing several hair dye brands!

how old are all of you guys?

I'm in my second year and 26 ...tragically I feel that I peaked when I was eighteen! Am fighting every wrinkle, grey hair and toning things up as best as I can ... I'll go down fighting But in many ways feel more confident now than I did earlier on, just dont mention the bags under the eyes!