Hair highlights! Color?


If you have brown hair then you should compensate for it by wearing sexy skirts, tight tops etc..

H, dont you see that all famous sex symbols are sticky?


Are you saying you have LOTS of guys that desire you because you are bottle blond and have no boobs?


You mean like Marilyn Monroe who was a size 16?

Also why have so many celeb women gone from looking like lollypops to real again?


I am wondering: Do men care about what WE like? Would they ever have a discussion like that?


Of course not! The discussions they have are: Yesterday I f.... a blond with boobs like that etc.


yes, these are women they would like to have one-night stands with.

These are not the women they want to marry, have babies with and live with forever and ever.

Get real, men only go for sluts for one thing.

Why do you think men love blonde jokes?


The examples you are referring to H belong to another century! You see Hollywood actresses, celebs etc. Compare how many they are blond to the brunnettes.


I can think of more non-blonde hollywood actresses though.


So you dont care if your nice guy fantasises another woman!? You are happy with the fact that he will marry YOU and will be with you forever (even desiring other women).


Athina, you don't have to stick to natural shades. I've seen natural black hair that looked really good with blue highlights (subtle ones of course). Try those spray-on colours first and see what you like.

Not everyone can get away with red; if you have a pink skin tone run away from anything reddish.


what a useless discussion (once more initiated by M.Z.).

As a men I can tell you that we don't give a damn about the hair colour (that's what women think).

In reality, we are looking for interesting women. Women can only be interesting if they are a bit mysterious and if they keep us hanging in suspense from time to time. We like to fight for our women day by day, if we know she would never walk away we easily loose interest.

Sad, but true.

So all this hair colour stuff is useless. Even if you are blonde, Maria, don't think that you will attract any man with your talk.


Thanks juno. But if not red highlights then what? Lighter brown maybe?


Ah ULUG! Have mercy! I see what men want! Ok, you look for interesting women but what s the thing that will attract you to a specific one to wanna get to know her better?


Well, as long as you're going lighter you can always colour over the highlights if you don't like them.

And I agree with ULUG; I've never yet heard a man comment on a woman's hair colour or style. Just get what you want; don't worry about anything else. If you are comfortable in your own skin then you send out a glow that will attract men anyway.


I agree too!