Black Ethnic Minority Phd Students



That is exactly what I'm trying to FIND out from the black student prospective. What motivate and influenced them, having being educated in the UK schooling system


Fair enough - I'd like to point out also that I'm not going to get involved with all that's gone on in this post before. Not my thing!


To be honest with you Jenny, I think that you have probably come to the wrong place. On this forum we tend to talk about the things that unite us, not those that divide. By asking to speak to only those who are black you are being a bit exclusive yourself. This is why I feel it is a race issue.

As someone of mixed race I can say that I have experienced issues similar to yourself, but mainly from the black community. So, stop and think - you maybe experiencing prejudice, but maybe you are actually singling yourself out.

What Ilove about this forum is that mostly we understand each other and its fine to have an opinion.


To tell the truth Bobby I was trying to get some information from black PhD students on this forum. I thought as it was a PhD forum site I might be able to talk to some black students.I was not dividing anyone.

OTHERs made it an issue NOT me

I was not bringing up any issues of race , you obviously did not read any of the posts properly. READ them and then we'll have a PROPER discussion.


Jenny, in response to what Bobby said, the first word of the thread title and the thirteenth word of the main body do rather give the game away...



Obviously you've had issues with black people, but your experience with these individuals have nothing to do with my post.

And I have to reveal this to you I am also mixed race. I know the issues on both sides


Your right Matthew

Ididn't state my motives clear enough in the first posting so no wonder some people getting heated- it may have been misconstrued.

I want to close this thread will not be commenting on this thread anymore. Thanks to all who answered my questions.


HA! You are mixed race?! Then I feel compelled to finish this thread regardless of this race issue stuff. It really annoys me when mixed race people pretend to be black. Why do you go on about black issues as if you are black? Don't just plonk yourself in another demographic because it will give you more victim status. Get over yourself and get on with your research. Stop moping about how tough it is as yeah, as you can see, we all know what the issues are love.I'm pretty sure my white mother would be hurt and offended if I ever described my self as black. Jeeeez...


Firstly, I am absolutely disgusted by some of the comments that have been made on this thread.

The fact that even attempting to discuss ethnic minorities/racism/etc results in this, really does speak volumes (Jenny, I'm sure you hear what I am saying here!).

Jenny - you might be interested in looking at the following text:

O'Donnell, M. & Sharpe, S. (2000) 'Uncertain Masculinities' (I'm sure there are sections where the young boys discuss schooling - which is what I'm assuming you'd be interested in reading about)

I hope this experience on the forum hasn't put you off revisiting the website ... there are some nice/ok people here.


Bobby, while I can see your point, and to a certain extent agree with some of what you're saying, I don't think there's any need to say it in such a condescending way, is there?


Hi Jenny welcome to the forum, im not black but my parents are from Mauritius and came to the Uk during the 1970s. Nice to meet you btw x


Thank you Goods I'll look up the references.

Bobby calm down, you are entitled to call your origins in whatever way you wish this is your perogative.

As a mixed race person myself, I prefer to call myself a black person of mixed race origin.

This is my last posting on the subject - END


Forgot to add this ref to:

Sewell, T. (1997) 'Black Masculinities and Schooling: How Black Boys Survive Modern Schooling'


Where the hell is DanB when you need him?!


Hi Matthew, yes, I appreciate that it was perhaps a bit too condescending, however, this kind of thing does really annoy me. I should have thought before I hit the add message button. However, I think that Jenny's tone was a step too far, I think that being to "READ" etc is bound to get annoying.