Changing supervisor after a year


Oh and DanB - studect/lecturer relationships are more common than you think


This reminds me of another OLD thread where the person's supervisor wanted "relations" with her....


Yes, I went to the career services and discussed about it but what they advised me was to control my feelings and continue being his student or it will get very complicated and difficult for everyone. And since my PhD is going well.....


Hi Athina. I am also greek and what I have to advise you is to not let anyone realise what you feel about him. You know the english stereotypes about greeks. Dont make things worse for us!


Hi Maria. No, I am not sure I understand what you mean. What are the stereotypes for greek people in England?


Well, other people on the forum can give you an answer on that if they are honest enough....


I also want to know this....never heard of anything about it before...


Me neither. I'm an honorary member of my university's Greek community.


Athina. I'm going to take a slightly different tack here. How much do you know about his circumstances? Is he in a relationship? Do you think the feeling is mutual? Are you prepared to change supervisor if you found out the feeling was mutual? What would this mean for your research? I'm not one to stand in the way of true love if you think it could go that way, but if you do you will need to do it by the book so he doesn't get fired etc.


I am also greek and recently engaged to an english man... fantastic relationship! None of his friends, relatives etc has ever made me feel that they think of me in a specific way just because I am greek. So, I really don't understand you Maria.


First of all I have enougof listening that "academics are like this and academics are like that, academia is a dirty place etc). People regardless of their profession, tend to use their power not always for the best of society. So I do not really understand why academia is any different and why academics are any different than other people who have power in any other domain (managers, politicians, religious leaders etc). And we all PhD students are just doing our jobs like everyone else does theirs. We have made it a whole issue "how to survive a PhD" since all we have all the benefits, flexibility, prestige or whatever you name it. Like in EVERY OTHER JOB!


Hi Sylvester. I am sure that my feelings for him are not the feelings of an 18 year old girl falling in love with a man with power (unlike MistaG and DanB think). We are very close in age and more like colleagues than a professor-student relationship. We all (PhDs and Professors) go out for drinks each Friday, so we know each other pretty well and I am sure I am in love with him for all the right reasons. I don't know whether it is mutual though. He has a good reputation in the department and in the field,he is very professional and I cant see him ever expressing any kind of interest to me or anyone else in the departmet. What I know is that he seeks for my company quite a lot in every opportunity... but again this might mean nothing!


What Mista_g said and also, what were you on about earlier re greek women and british people? I think you may suffer from delusions.


that was to maria not you athina.


English people think that we greeks come from a third-world country, that we are corrupted, incompetent, that greek women throw ourselves to men to get things our way (in your case Athina, you show this interest to your supervisor to manipulate him in order to get all the benefits of a supervisor who has fallen for you).... that we are easy to get etc.