Waiting for AHRC news


Hehe, if it's not the old dot matrix, maybe they've reproduced a model of Caxton's original printing press and are using that (to preserve their supposed 'Arts and Humanities' integrity). It's probably unbearably slow because they keep getting their 'p's and 'q's mixed up. It's the only explanation.


I've heard Gutenberg himself works for the AHRC!


just rang them up, at first they gave me the standard party line (they will all be done by the end of next week) but after a little pressing, she revealed my letter has been generated! now it needs to be checked, and may be with me by the end of the week. i'm considering that progress. thanks for the advice Pallas, i know one should prepare for every eventuality but its so stressful, i know i wouldnt want to take time off work to sit through multiple interviews for jobs i cant have!


thanx bagofnervese for the support - am trying to remain calm.

No luck with trying to get them to email me the results. Got the standard response:
"Unfortunately results can only be sent to applicants via letter.
We are aiming to have all outcome letters sent out by the end of August.
Should you not have received an outcome letter by this point, please do
not hesitate to contact me. "

The only relief in this was that I didn't get stressed about the arrival of the mail today, and won't 2morrow... but after than is anyone's guess.


Nothing today, I'm beginning to scare the postman. I'm Panel 5 too.


nothing on my doormat today...


Nor me...


Hi ladies and gents, it's my first time back here in a few days. I still haven't heard anything but I think I'm slowly learning to let it go. I got sent home from work a few days ago because I was in such a state. Physically and mentally I am feeling exhausted. I put things into perspective yesterday and have come to realise that all I can do is hold on - and whilst I'm holding on, investigate other options. I might as well put this time to good use! :-)

Thanks for being so lovely and supportive - having a place to come a vent means a lot. None of my friends or family understand, the standard answer is usually "try not to worry". Well yes, of course, but that's easier said than done!!

I hope we have some good news today (up)


This seems like a good plan MissHopeful. We have to accept that some of us are not going to get AHRC funding. I know this is a depressing thought but the simple fact is that there is not enough money to go around. Decisions are made and we have to live with that. Investigating other options is certainly productive and I know it has made me feel better to know that there are other options out there (even though they are not my first choices).

Chin up,at least we've all got each other!
- cue cyber cuddle for all... aahhh
ps. The waiting is still pissing me off though!


Nothing in the post today.


Over on Facebook I've finally heard of a successful PPM candidate! I hope that means the ball is rolling and I'll hear SOMETHING soon. For those who have received the envelope of ambiguity - what colour is it? I know that's a random question but somehow I imagine it's brown.


Is anyone else playing the game where you try to work out who is who on the multiple AHRC forums from the facebook group? It's strange putting faces to (pseudo)names.

And I think the LoD/J are white from what someone said, white with a little plastic window for your address (god forbid they have to splash out on labels).


Hehe, Yes I'm playing that game too! Especially fun when people have a different name for each forum! I'm only on here and Facebook though.

White eh? Eeek! A white letter has arrived for me today but there's no AHRC stamp on it - which I take to be a good sign!


Been following this board silently for a couple of weeks, thought I would add my tuppenceworth.

This was my last chance for a PhD application (panel 4). Been working part-time for two years, have upgraded, got a 1st for my Undergraduate and a Distinction for my MA (in spite of a change of disciplines), and have travelled the US and UK presenting my work. Today I was rejected again (Grade 3).

I wish those still waiting results the very best of luck. I will certainly be dedicating my first book to the inscrutable and infuriating AHRC - if they still exist.


Sorry to hear that Dmharry. You seem like the sort of person who will suceed regardless of the AHRC and I'd like to wish you all the best for the future.