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how to get into a 4 year programme?


I wasn't sure if it's okay to ask but I am really desperate for advice.
I want to apply for a 4 year project (1st year rotation and then 3 years of actual PhD work).
The rotation would involve 3 labs out of about 10 to choose from.
The thing is I am not supposed to choose any lab or even generally state which ones interest me on the application stage.

What I want to ask is:

how to make the statement brilliant without choosing any actual project, I am afraid of beeing too general.
Should I contact the potential supervisor or a person repsonsible for dealing with informal queries? (that person is in a cometee choosing applicants)

Has anyone applied/got in to a 4 year project like this?

This opportunity made me believe I was rejected before for a good reason and I would really really want to get it.

Please please help me

equivalents PhD / doctorate / "German doctor"

sorry, I didn't mean to hurt anyone who is trying. So am I. I just know it's possible. This year or another, this intitution or another.

That did sound bad but wasn't supposed to.

Sorry if it was insulting to anyone for me to dream about holidays. I've had a very hard 5 years at the uni, I didn't have holidays in the meantime. Dreaming about it now is the only thing that keeps me going. what's so ahead of myself in that again?

equivalents PhD / doctorate / "German doctor"

where did I get ahead of myself?
saying about applying? crying about being rejected or maybe replying to a post which no one bothered to reply?

didn't mean to be arrongant either.

equivalents PhD / doctorate / "German doctor"


what did I say wrong?

Want me to get to that PhD before I post anything again?

Don't see your point in reminding me that I am not studying yet. PhD is not such an impossible thing. It's easy to get any offer, but I want a good one.

Sorry if my posts have ever made you feel bad.

equivalents PhD / doctorate / "German doctor"

Sorry I don't really know what are ou asking me about?
I am in application phase, no PhD yet.

Are you asking what is the title I would be studying for?

I don't mind. Different institutions/countries award different titles but that doesn't matter really. This is one thing, with slight differences like teaching or additional work

Where do you want to go for a holiday?

I dream of holidays before I even start a PhD...

Somewhere hot and sunny and with nothing to think or worry about, preferably 2 weeks or longer.

When I finish PhD I will be moving for longer to a warm and relaxing place. I promissed myself that ;)

equivalents PhD / doctorate / "German doctor"

I'd say they all eqivalent.

what could I do now??

sorry, if you didn't have an interview try to think of something you didn't have the chance to put in your resume...

what could I do now??


I agree with Stu, keep your options open.
I didn't and I am right at the beginning again with hardly any funding options available for me now.

I was in a very good contact with a supervisor who recently rejected me, I didn't imagine they would not want me after all those emails and calls and the interview... but they did. I tryed to keep the contact by asking for reprints my uni does not subscribe or letting them know that something good siencewise happend (ie publication/award/whatever you didn't say at the interview)

Good luck

research proposal - another question


I have written that proposal.
Used guidence in application form (not very specyfic though)

Could anyone please tell me if I adress it to a potential supervisor as a letter or if I sign it?


What did you all do before your phd?

I am doing Master's because in my country BSc is a new thing and it is not really considered as higher education... And BSc of course here is not enough to be able to do PhD.

Although in the UK I would probably get away with going for PhD without MSc, but in most other countries one need a qualification essential to start a PhD in home country (BSc for most of you and MSc for me).

On top of that I am not allowed to work in the lab before gaining a BSc (kind of licence) which means no lab experience at all when I finished undregrad.

To get back to the topic. I don't know if I will be doing PhD but so far it's BSc and MSc and hoping to go straight to PhD. Never had any breaks or gap years and I envy people who are brave enough to take such break and do something fun (visit Australia or volounteer in Afrika or something just as amazing)

research proposal - another question

Hey there,

Sorry if it's silly asking for such thing but I am getting really worried about the fact that my applications are quite unsuccesful and I really need to do something about it.

I have to write a research proposal to go with my application. The project I am applying for has a defined topic. Should I really propose how I would do it? Or write why and how it interests me? To be honest I don't really know how to work out the thesis so far even though I did some reading on the topic.

What would contain a top research proposal for an advertised studentship?

Thanks in advance for your help:)

How to write a personal statement for a PhD application?

Hello there,

How should a personal statement going with an application for a PhD studentship look like?
What kind of information should it include? More of my past not mentioned in CV or should it be focused on my scientific interests related to what I am applying for?

Sorry if it's a silly question, but I have never ever written anything like that and information found online describes how to do a general one.

I have been visiting this forum and even posted a few replies but this is my first topic so I would like to say hi to everyone and just congratulate you guys on creating such a great atmosphere here. I couldn't do without you all:)

academic politics - how do u deal with it

I've noticed that the smaller people are the more mean they can be.
What I mean is that people who just finished their PhD, or just got a job at uni are pain.
They are really mean at all kinds of assaignments trying to show off how superior they are.
People who work with students for ages, having loads of qualifications are secure with their position and don't demand respect from everyone. Everyone respects them for what they are. They are more understanding and friendly.

It is hard, but it really proves their value, try to remember it's actually pathetic.

search for the ultimate beer snack??

almonds in salt.

you need to heat almonds on a frying pan, without adding anything, no oil or anything at all.
when they're hot, put them in a bowl and cover in loads of salt (like half a pound or so, depends on the size and amount of almonds, just fill the container)
almonds are not fat themselves so the salt does not stick but gives them slight salty flavour. salt can be used a few times for that and other cooking when the beer is gone