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MSc Consevation UCL - very disappointing!!

Par for the course for MSc's it seems... Naturally I cant speak for this course, but in general it seems that no-one is satisfied with their MSc, even those from top-ranking unis. Plus there is always the grass-is-always-greener phenomenon ;) That said, it all depends on what course you go for and what you intend to get out of it, as I went into mine with the attitude that I was going to rinse it for all it's worth (and expand my study and reading outside what was required), as someone inexperienced in the field, and am coming away in a month and a half's time very satisfied (hope I still will be anyway...!). But yes there are always complaints about organisation, the motivation of lecturers who were originally employed as researchers, and of course the question 'where is my money going'.

Bottom line: check what you want to get from a masters, and what is it worth... and never, even in the best uni in the world, expect to get it just handed to you on a plate!

How long did you wait to hear if you were accepted?

When did you apply and when's the course starting date? If you apply too early they're not likely to get around to it for months. Nothing to do with your application... just that they wont bother until theyve received a stack of applications. Plus some departments are just plain badly organised.


Manchester does research MScs in paleontology and palaeobotany. I think that course is probably lectured by Phil Manning, the palaeontologist who frequently appears on programs like fossil detectives, and other dino related things. Had him as one of my undergrad lecturers, he's a proper legend! (up) Overall its a damn good department, perfect i'm sure for what youre thinking of. Makes me wish I had pursued palaeontology further...

Please help me!! British Participants needed for Dissertation Questionnaire!!!

Where the survey asks about the failure of the air conditioning on an aircraft: almost all passenger aircraft have pressurised cabins, and inherently include built in air conditioning. If it failed all the passengers would die! ;-) But it could be the case that the temperature is set too high or low etc.

environmental engineering

1) I think the 2 subjects are completely unrelated I'm afraid... computer science would be of no real relevance. You would need a first degree in civil engineering, environmental science, geology etc.

2) They WERE fairly good, at least until last september, but now opportunities in environmental/civils are quite scarce. (In the UK that is)

3) Plenty of good places to study this in the UK. I dont know about elsewhere.

MSc or MBA In Climate Change and Sustainability Development

Leeds has a variety of sustainability MScs, pretty sure you would find what you want there.

Which bank for CDL?

As i understand all masters level courses are eligible in the UK, although I'm not certain regarding MRes courses.

Also i have heard on another forum that both banks should only take 3-4 weeks, BUT if your institution is not on the learning & skills council register it could take much longer, even well beyond the start date of the course. Forewarned is forearmed, so i'm mentioning this here in case it proves useful to anyone reading this thread.

Which bank for CDL?


just had my career development loan application forms arrive in the post, after having waited quite a while for them, so not going to waste any more time and get them sent off this weekend.

Does anyone know if either barclays or co-op will process the app faster? As the rates are the same for this year it is the only factor in my choice, unless anyone knows any reason why one may be better than the other.


Funding for MSc

Rob a bank is my advice, im applying for similar courses and they're damn expensive. I think the unfortunate truth for people in our position who dont have commercial backing etc. is that top-level courses like these are for the most part out of reach. But if you do find something, spread the word, a lot of us need it!

Is it ok to go for two interviews for NERC funding?

Ive been checking out MScs too so been doing some asking around about nerc funds etc, also had the first interview at leeds. I dont know if its the same elsewhere, but this was an informal half day visit and chat with the course director, with half an hour odd of more typical interview. He also said that they give out grants essentially on a first come first served basis - theyll keep interviewing until all the grants are taken by suitable candidates. Again, i dont know if thats the same elsewhere.

As for tips, i guess the best thing is to just make sure you know your career plans and subject area etc inside out, and can demonstrate that youve got your head screwed on. Although they take into account things like prior grades and industry experience, which at this stage you probably cant do much about, i think they like people who have potential and awareness and a good plan, and are not just going for a masters because theyre following the herd. But remember i could be completely wrong as i havent had their reply yet :p

Good luck anyway when you get to the interviews.

Is it ok to go for two interviews for NERC funding?

Absolutely no problem with that. In my view it as also essential as nerc funding places are VERY competitive.