Overview of rick

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6 mths to go - count down's on!!

Hi Sue,

I am very happy for you, must be a great relief that the medical tests results came back negative and that you are not seriously ill. I do not know whether you had any specific symptoms (like tiredness or pain), but if you had those, I hope these are gone too, or at least easier to manage now you know there is no serious underlying cause.

Reading your post your life seems very hectic, partially in a positive way, for example regarding the new job interview and the family issue etc. May be good idea though, to try and pace yourself a bit, also after good news one sometimes needs a bit of time to recharge the batteries.

Personally I am physically well at the moment, have already submitted the thesis some time ago and am waiting to hear whether it will be accepted and when the viva will be. At this moment in time the thesis writing is not a priority anymore and I trying to keep up to date by reading the new literature and by summarising the work which I had done to produce the thesis. In fact I have written some of that in the format of a paper and am in the process of trying to get that published. :-)

viva preparation books

Hi AL, Bilbo,

based on a previous posting / Bilbo's views I had bought Tinkler's book and think it is very good. It is written clearly, easy to read and provides a good overview on the viva.

I have no bought or read Murray's book, but based on the above it seems wise first to read Tinkler's and then to move on to Murray's book, if you feel you need more in depth knowledge regarding the viva.:-)

Stupid question regarding referencing


so you have solved the issues already. Quite an achievement to submit two articles more or less simultaneously! I recognise the issue of having to read and re-read again and again, and it looks that it never finishes. So you must be pleased that the two pieces are out of the door!

I will now log off, thanks again and "see you".

Rick :-)

Stupid question regarding referencing

Hi Bilbo,

I thought that as well.

Indeed different journal have slight but significant differences regarding the referencing and other details. As you indicate the examples that they provide sometimes seem just not logical.

Do you want to share details regarding what your problems with the journals are?

Stupid question regarding referencing

Dear all,

I am trying to write an article to be considered for publication in a particular journal. This journal indicates in its author section that books should be referenced as follows:

1 Smith J, Johnson J. (2010) Teamwork for ....... Blackwell Publishing: Chichester, pp.85-95.

Does this mean that:
If I reference one page in a book that pp. or p. should be used? e.g. p.85? (Seems the most obvious to me).

For articles they indicate the pages as follows: 95-01. (without pp.).
Would this then mean for a book: pp. 95-01 or pp.95-101?

Looking forward to replies, Rick


I have a job interview!

Hi Sue,

congratulations regarding the interview! Sounds like an excellent opportunity! Well done!

Like you, I have plenty of experience in interviews for professional jobs, not so much for the academic ones. I do, however, know quite a few professors personally and they are just like "normal people". They like enthusiastic people, who are to the point, accurate, but also enjoy it when things are funny and when one can have a laugh! They like people with whom they can work.

As such if I were you, I would stick to the areas you are good at, for example your PhD, perhaps also your experience in civil service work, soft skills, like your presentations skills etc. I would not pretend to be an expert in everything and would acknowledge that I would have still a lot to learn, yet would be happy to work with them and learn. :-)

standing at the base of the mountain

Hi Cornflower,

welcome to the forum. I think  DanB and 4Matt have provided some excellent advice.

Indeed I think it is important to get yourself used to the situation, read a lot and get a feel for the literature and your subject.

I think once you have deeper knowledge of the literature, yet still at a relative early stage, it may be important to think about the research question you are going to set. On hindsight I would have saved myself a lot of time and effort if I had done this properly! It is important to realise that the type of question will set the research method you can use. For example let's assume the following question: How many patients with high blood pressure do not use their medication? One should use a quantitative method, for example a survey using a questionnaire. If on the other hand the question is: Why do these patients not take their medication? It probably would be better to use a qualitative method, for example focus group interviews involving mentioned patients.

It is not my intention to be pedantic, just wanted to share this , it may be useful. :-)

6 mths to go - count down's on!!

Hi AL,

what you wrote seems a reasonable idea to me. One week more or less will not make the difference and you are right, it is smart to try and keep your sups on your side. On the other hand, having a fixed idea of when things should be finished seems important to me. As such, setting a time limit would be good. You are nearly there!

6 mths to go - count down's on!!

Hi AL,

must me difficult the situation you are in at the moment.

My feeling would be that your first sup has set the deadline and you have managed to complete things for that date. As such I think you would be "entitled" to see this as your final version and submit. Obviously I understand that you feel uncomfortable about this and that you would rather have both of your sups agreeing with submitting. As such it may be a good idea e-mailing to both and say something like: As agreed I have completed the thesis on (date) and have sent it to you. I intent to submit it on (date, perhaps in a week's time). If I have not heard anything before this set submission date I assume that you agree with it and will send it.... Kind regards...

6 mths to go - count down's on!!

Hi AQ,

interesting to read your long posting. I hope you feel a bit better and wish your aunt gets better soon.

Regarding your meeting that sounds quite positive, does it not. I mean if they have said that all the information from the research is there, then you are also nearly there! Probably now a matter of trying to stay cool and "just" to make the adjustments, like requested by your supps. In my experience supps and professors usually have their personal views on how things should be done, structure wise, and I think you have come a long way already as you seem to know what that is. Then it is a matter of trying to write according to that structure. I know it can be very frustrating, as obviously you have your own ideas as well regarding how it would be best, yet perhaps best to think only at the end of the whole PhD process and do as they indicate. What do you feel? Do you think you can add the extra chapter?

6 mths to go - count down's on!!

Hi Matilda,

impressive story you bring forward. Incredible to hear that you could not walk and are not able to run again and nice to hear that you are going to get a baby!

So is your research in the medical field?

I agree that looking at the whole science / research / PhD from another angle really helps to put it into perspective. I mean, to be able to complete a project inevitably one needs to be able to finalise and to get a good piece of writing. But often the stresses are about small things, supervisors changes of grammar, adaptations of text etc. Really not something one should get stressed about. And agree as well that a lot of the pressure may well be self inflicted, it seems important to be able to say: This thesis is fine, I have worked hard for it, it is as good as it gets!

6 mths to go - count down's on!!


that should be the "not knowing".

6 mths to go - count down's on!!

Hi Sue,

thanks for your quick and kind message.

Sorry to read about potential health problems you are facing. I think he worst regarding these is often the now knowing, as such I hope you have clarity soon, and hopefully everything will be fine.

Indeed, in my opinion, an unusual decision, to decide to do a PhD when you were ill. For me the whole project was the last thing I had on my mind, was more worried about getting better again. I would have happily accepted that I would not have made the PhD, and although a pity, would have restarted my life, focussing on other issues.

As such I admire your strong will and vision to complete the whole thing. You are absolutely right, the project can be completed, and you are nearly there. Keep going!

Word count - editing hell!

Hi Pretty, Botton,

my "problem" is that I write very concisely, as such perhaps I could help you.

Start with a clean sheet of paper, do not look at your thesis.

Write a summary, by heart, indicating what your project has been about and what the main findings are.

Create chapters based on key sentences from this summary.

Add "bulk" from your old thesis, yet strictly adhering yourself to the iabove indicated structure

Surplus: Either throw away or, if allowed, attach as an appendix with extra information.

Good luck

6 mths to go - count down's on!!

Dear all,

just wanted "to show my face again", as not been sending a lot of mails over the last few months. I had some serious problems regarding my health making reading problematic. Now a lot better again.

I sympathise with you related to the final struggles of the PhD process. Although I have handed in my thesis already the issue is still ongoing, as I have not heard anything for months, have no idea whether it will be accepted, when the viva will be, am trying to keep up with the literature etc.

Perhaps on a positive note having had health problems did make me realise better what the real priorities are in life, and although the research is important, it is not everything, especially the nittygritty becomes irrelevant if you are ill. As such life events, as described by several of the recent posters, may help to put the whole PhD into perspective. Obviously I am fully aware that having to deal with and your project and significant issues in your private life is the last thing you want. Evenso I wish all the strength to persevere and to stand up again, even when it is hard. It can be done!