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Traits of a successful PhD student?

Elle.. what pea has written is true... remember it is not a question of whether you can or cannot but whether you want to do it or not. Rest follows with time.

I still face problems with public speaking but have improved a lot since I started. So take it easy on yourself. :)


Morning tea/ coffee/ coke?

Just wondering what you start your day with??
Me: coke.

New PhD student

That was a good piece of advice by Bibi. Anne, apart from just handling your own research, you should not forget that there exist an advisor, a committee and may be collaborators (depending on the project). My 2 cents,
1. Always write things down.
2. Get feedback regularly
3. Meet fact to face with your advisor/committee/collaborators
4. Keep them aware of your progress regularly
More details at: http://www.educatedbeing.com/2006/09/28/how-to-avoid-frustration-due-to-expectations-in-graduate-school/

I have learned them from my mistakes. I hope you won't make them.
Good Luck.

I would also like to know what others think about it. Feel free to add to the list :)

What happens if you quit?

Remember that there are no failures, just the results. So, bite the bullet and write something in next 3 weeks. If things go well, continue and change the world and if anything goes wrong, itz not the end of life

Give a try.. give your best.

Dilemma...PhD...or JOB?....HELP...I am unsure


It is a very personal decision. I tried to put few things together about PhD in general which you can read at my blog:

I hope it helps. My personal opinion - if you are not sure about doing a PhD, it is always better to get some job experience. Secondly, be very open to your family about why you are thinking of doing PhD and ask their honest opinion on how it will affect them for next X years. Family support matters a lot. Let us know what you decide.