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The One Goal Thread

My goal for today - end a weeks solid procrastionation and do something constructive! Starting with some data entry..... here goes!

floundering around in the dark

It is definitely possible to find a PhD without a masters, I got onto mine (in a similar field to what you’re interested in) with a 2.1 honours and a three year gap since I finished the undergraduate. With the work experience you’ll have gained since finishing and your first class degree, I’m sure you’re an ideal candidate. With regards to the best time to apply, I don’t know really. It’s probably worth contacting people you’d like to work with, then they’ll contact you when they have an available studentship. I’d also get back in touch with your undergraduate tutors, I’m sure they’d still be happy to advise you, and you’ll probably want them as referees.
Good luck in finding something!

At breaking point....

Don’t panic Dee, you can do it! 11000 words into three days, assuming you work a 12 hr day is only 300 words an hour, which sounds like a less daunting target.

My way of dealing with large pieces of work is to write notes for each section, (so at least there is something written for everything) then go back and flesh out and reference what I’ve said. When you word count the notes it makes you feel better as you realise you have x% of thesis written, and all the ideas you’re going to cover. But, as others have mentioned, don’t get too obsessed by the number of words you’ve written, its not the most important thing. I’m sure your examiners would prefer a well thought out concise thesis to one that rambles on just to meet the word count. If you get stuck at any part, just move on to another section and go back to it later.

It’s not going to be a fun few days for you (but it’s only a few days), and after its submitted you can celebrate, relax and enjoy yourself. Good luck!

What to expect at a 1st year progress interview?

Thanks for your replies Goodboy and Keenbean
Yes, I’m fully funded and have recently submitted a report containing preliminary data and my plan for the next few years. It’s just the interview to go now. Hopefully Keenbean it will be informal as you suggest, I’m just worried that a panel of academics will be tearing my years work apart!

What to expect at a 1st year progress interview?

I have an progress interview this week, determining wither or not I'm allowed to continue my studies. I'm a bit nervous about it as I have no idea what to expect. Any advice on what to expect or how to prepare?

The One Goal Thread

Same goal, different day :-s Prodective day though, just not what I'd planned on doing.
So easy to get side tracked doing more appealing work......
Well done to all who did what they said, yhink thats what I need to aspire to!

The One Goal Thread

Joining in this acountability thread as nothing else working at the moment. Much better at getting 'practical' stuff done than writing.
So, by tomorrow, want to have done around 500 words towards my lit rev, not much compared with everyone else seems to be doing, but it would be a good days writing for me. If only I could find the motivation to start..........