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Journal Papers, What do You Do?

Good luck working out Endnote. I just can't bring myself to trust computers. One glitch and its all scrambled, scary thought. To err is human, to really foul up requires a computer heheheh (imagine a grinning smily here...see? I can't even figure that one out!)

Can/Should non-PhD students give PhD students advice???

If the advice is sensible, and obviously not related specifically to Phd study. I haven't started my Phd yet, but if I think a comment or piece would help someone, I'll post it anyway. It's up to everyone else to determine the value of the advice. Should a poster make it clear that they are or are not studying a Phd? Definitely, then the reader can decide if said advice is valuable or not.

Journal Papers, What do You Do?

I seem to suffer from a terminal case of hoarding. I'm terrified of throwing out articles or photocopied chapters in case I need them in the future. It didn't do me any good the other day, mind. One of my shelves gave up under the weight and fell on my head. I ended up literally buried under a pile of books and papers. I think I'm still slightly concussed, but at least I found the paper I was looking for hehehe. The joys of studying...

Journal Papers, What do You Do?

This might prove to be an added expense for you, but I tend to collect together a whole load of papers, then get them ring bound at the campus stationers with different colour card to differentiate them. I now have a veritable library of plastic bound 'books' on my shelves, and I can picture wheich article is in which colour book. I find them easier to carry around than big folders, they fit in bags easier, and you can post-it, highlight and scribble to your heart's content. PS congrat's on the offer.

The Great Global Warming Swindle?

Hello, did anyone else catch “The Great Global Warming Swindle” aired on Channel 4 on thurs (here’s a link…)


The basic premise was that the earth is heating up because of natural temperature variation, that it is happening without humanity’s help and that much of the hype is scare mongering by governments and environmental bodies who have a vested interest in keeping us all paranoid and in stifling the development of third world countries by not letting them use their natural resources for fear of increased carbon emissions. It suggested that CO2 levels in the atmosphere follow temperature rise not the other way around, that the biggest source of CO2 emissions are the oceans, and that human CO2 emissions are, excuse the pun, nothing more than a drop in the ‘atmospheric’ ocean. Therefore, we should stop feeling guity about our carbon footprints, get on with enjoying our ever sunnier planet and help rather than hinder economic development in the developing world. I'm interested to hear what you all thought...

Having a breakdown???

Hi Goods, you are getting some really good advise from everyone and while I can't really comment on Phd as I've not started mine yet, I was wondering if you had tried meditating? I find putting a problem on the 'backburner' ie, know it is in the back of your mind but don't dwell on it, then spending 10-20 minutes quietly breathing and allowing thoughts to come and go. It will calm your nerves and you will find that the problem that was on the backburner has either found a solution or does not seem so bad. All the very best, FFxx

Proposal Nightmare: Please help me improve my proposal

Hello, I've just finished mine and am waiting for a decision, so I know the position you are in. I wouldn't 'name drop' theorists unless you know they have direct relevence to your subject area and maybe chose a couple of juicy quotes from them that illustrate a point instead of just mentioning names. Also, I found that structure was really important, make it as tight and succinct as you can, and lay out the chapters very clearly. Try to draw some bold conclusions, it's hard because you don't know what you are going to find, but you can give some 'educated guesses' at what the research might yield.
Think of the proposal as a sales pitch, you are trying to convince a selector that this is a brilliant idea and that you are the best person to undertake it. Good Luck!

quoting the person(s) who will be reading your porposal

I know what you mean, I felt so strange quoting my prospective supervisor, like I was being sycophantic. I went ahead anyway, it demonstrates that your supervisor's work has direct relevence to your topic. My proposal went in last week, so I know what you're going thru. Good Luck !! FFxx

Sorry - being a pain

Hello, please don't suffer in silence, visit the Dr for advice if nothing else. My mother suffers from the condition (acutely) so although I don't know what it's like inside your head, I have watched someone swing between dizzying highs and bottomless lows all my life. I can understand your concerns about medicating. I've flushed away many pills because my mother threatened to take too many, and they can be addictive if you are that way inclined. But if you suffer from a chemical imbalance, medication may be the only way to 'level you out'. You know the low will pass, but when you're at the bottom looking up it looks like a very steep incline. Only you can make the decision about medicating. Keep strong, FFxx

Thank you all!

I'm so glad you're feeling better, hope you're on the mend and will be out of hospital soon. FFxx

Was anyone a 'gifted child' ?

Did you notice the mother of 4 refusing to test her children like all the other's had? Had they really reached saturation point with IQ tests? No, she didn't want to be humiliated on camera more like. I feel for those children, they are not being allowed to enjoy their childhoods. I loved the writer and his mother, she probably read Homer, Dante and Shakespeare to him while he was in the womb. I'm also insanely jealous. If only I had an IQ of 170, not a piddly 115. Oh well, shall just have to continue languishing in my mediocrity. Incidentally, anyone else care to divulge their IQ's? They've got to be higher than mine...hehehehehe FFxx

quiting the PhD

Rick's right, but the aspect of your life that you're not happy with has a tendency to become all consuming. You should do what feels right to you, if they've made you really miserable don't worry too much about burning bridges. These things can always be mended in the future.

quiting the PhD

Don't give up just yet, instead of telling your supervisor you quit, why don't you explain to him/her the difficulties you are having. Maybe they are not aware that you are struggling. Maybe they are pushing you in a particular direction because it will make a stronger thesis, which will make you more likely to succeed and become a Dr. Please talk to them before quitting, I'm sure they'll do everything in their power to help you. Nobody wants you fail. Best of luck, I'll be thinking of you. FFxx

What goes into a PhD propsal?

Good question! I'm writing mine at the moment and wondering the same thing. I'm in humanities so I might not be able to help, but I can tell you what I've been told so for. Basically I keep being told to make some bold conclusions. They will change once you're on the course, but I think they want to know what you think you might find. The general structure, flow and readability of the propsal seems to be paramount, as does the reasons why you think the research should be undertaken, and why you think you're the best person for the job. Vague, nut hope it helps... Good Luck!

Christmas tunes - love them or hate them?

Oops sorry for the tirade, it was a bit off topic methinks. I like Jingle Bells for what it's worth, the Batman Smells version.