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What I love about research ...

After you have got yourself totally tied up in knots with some aspect of the research and feel like packing it all in, you go for a cup of tea or a walk and then talk it through with someone and during the conversation you end up answering your own question or having a mental break through. I love that moment, it is when it all becomes clear again and you realise that you do know your stuff and it is all still fascinating and worth doing.

good or bad time to take time out for a family?

Hi all,

I'm a recent graduate with a good degree in Environmental Conservation (1st class plus 3 awards). I'm looking for a PhD in the following areas: forest regeneration / rehabilitation and sustainable forestry / agriculture particularly in tropical regions.

I've not had a lot of success yet and advice from two supervisors I've approached is to get an MRes as otherwise I will not be a good candidate to secure funding. I could really only do an MRes if I was awarded a scholarship but they have also both told me I am a good candidate for this.

My husband and I are also thinking about when to have a family. If I were to have a family now would I still be a good candidate for a scholarship for an MRes in 3-4 years? Or even a studentship? Does anyone have any experience of this sort of thing? I can't help feeling that my degree will lose value year on year if I am not using it (I would be using it for environmental education and possibly environmental writing but probably not research).

Any thoughts or advice? Thanks.