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Can I get on to a pHD


I already have a degree (2.1) and Masters (Merit). I am half way through my second Masters (on target for a distinction), but I delayed my project because of problems of getting sites etc.

If I end up getting the project done, do I still stand a chance of getting a phd or is the delay too much of a barrier?

I want to enter the area of applied ecology - the impact of pesticides on invertebrates.

Getting marks back

Any ideas?

I handed an assingment in 10 weeks - my lit review. Still not got a mark or feedback and it is worth a lot.

The lecturer doesn't respond to my emails about whether I can get my grades back soon.

The head of the course has mentioned it to him twice but still no response.

I am on grade boundaries and really could do with my mark.

Any tips/advice on getting my marks back?

cross posted in masters board too

Handed in assignment 10 weeks ago, still not feedback

Any ideas?

I handed an assingment in 10 weeks - my lit review. Still not got a mark or feedback and it is worth a lot.

The lecturer doesn't respond to my emails about whether I can get my grades back soon.

The head of the course has mentioned it to him twice but still no response.

I am on grade boundaries and really could do with my mark.

Any tips/advice on getting my marks back?

Research Assistant - route to pHD?


I would love to do a pHD in avian ecology. However, my tutor says that most pHD students have a Masters distinction. I am trying really hard but am not going to get it.

I am confused about research assistant positions. I understand that they are paid and on a contract. If I apply for an assistant job and work for a few years will I be considered along with the distinction students?

social research - help with ideas on nuclear power


I am studying for a Masters and I have to do a group project on finding out Uni student's perception of nuclear power compared to other energy sources. I am totally clueless on social research (I am a physical geographer!). We have to use 2 social research methods, I am thinking focus group (for a collective view point) and quetionnaires.

I really not to sure on this whole thing. Do you have any tips? I have been reading tons of social science books and journals, but they don't make much sense to me. The tutors aren't much help. Ahhh

p.s. has been cross-posted on other forums.



Social Science Research - nuclear power


I am studying for a Masters and I have to do a group project on finding out Uni student's perception of nuclear power compared to other energy sources. I am totally clueless on social research (I am a physical geographer!). We have to use 2 social research methods, I am thinking focus group (for a collective view point) and quetionnaires.

I really not to sure on this whole thing. Do you have any tips? I have been reading tons of social science books and journals, but they don't make much sense to me. The tutors aren't much help. Ahhh

p.s. has been cross-posted on other forums.



Social Research - help with ideas on nuclear power


I am studying for a Masters and I have to do a group project on finding out Uni student's perception of nuclear power compared to other energy sources. I am totally clueless on social research (I am a physical geographer!). We have to use 2 social research methods, I am thinking focus group (for a collective view point) and quetionnaires.

I really not to sure on this whole thing. Do you have any tips? I have been reading tons of social science books and journals, but they don't make much sense to me. The tutors aren't much help. Ahhh

p.s. has been cross-posted on other forums.

