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'Metoo campus'#

Have any one heard about 'Metoo campus'#

Does any able to share some of the stories or experience about how 'certain university to deal with gender assaults policy are worst or better'. This is a 'phd research group.' We would like to make a safe campus everyone.

Does anyone think about suicide?

I think of suicide before. Bad supervisor leave with bad end. I was 'rape' by a ' indian hindu sculptor who make religious idols. two years ago when i finished my religious study in ?? university in uk. I'm a Christian but force to study multi faith which think will help my further jobs or research. This crime around two years ago but I'm not aware other religious demon will attack other race people in the western country. This crime had almost kill me and my family. I told the campus police but one university told me to keep silent and even bar me went back to campus to use any facility and victimization towards researcher. I e-mail another lecture about the the crime impact on me and the dangerous of multi faith teaching. She totally ignore and breach health and safety and human right issue towards gender crime victim.. After this crime, i feel there are only 'demons' create religions to hurt people. They will abandon you once you repent them or tell the truth, The police not willing to prosecute this 'campus con man evils'. Only find out he been assault some students and women before.

I had suffer social and racial and human right injustice. I had some mental health and women center support. still looking forward to move out this horrible university area. I'm fear other people will be his victims next.
the bad religions still walking backward in uk...

this shouldn't be in 21 century.....

Apply for a new program after supervisor's resignation


What is your subject and department are you? do u mind to tell which university is it? I will advise people totally avoid these type of irresponsible university. I had the same problem about few years ago. My phd supervisor is the same as my master graduate supervisor. He used to be the ex-dean of the department and write some academic books as well. He is a good old patient supervisor. However, he only supervised my phd thesis for two years himself but without telling me or register me in the uni degree programme offically.(I'm not aware about it). I even had e-mail correspondent evidence about phd meeting. Then during my second year I have a baby but still go to see him after give birth. I'm not aware he resign at the same year. Then i was writing my thesis. The later month of the year, the department secretary told me he resign but i need to re-apply the programme myself, and i need to find another supervisor with similar topic. I've left in tears and mental break down feel jobless again when hoping to be a lecture with a new family. This type of university supervisors should feel shame about themselves. I feel the phd student take legal and employment action for phd supervisor sudden leaving without any responsibility. This is higher education unethical and immoral ground. Totally ruin Phd or Post doc student future career and their lives. Totally irresponsible and should have some legal and academic and financial issue compensation if the university cannot replace another supervisors. Not sure the UCU might help.

My supervisor has been ignoring me for months

Then the department had a new grey hair female p-t supervisor with similar research background. I heard she was left out of jobs from the other university that's why she move on to another one. But she don't like to respond with e-mail and she don't like to discuss or help with acadmic writing issue in the office. And she always deal with overseas project and i don't know what is the meaning of value of the experience of older supervisor towards a mid-30s yrs old parent researcher can do. I feel they don't value and enough ethic to promote academic works towards all type of doctorate students. I feel very disappointed in Uk certain supervisors in some point. They shouldn't deal with personal stuffs or ignore students in some points. They only wasting some researchers life time or leaving them jobless by not finish their phd in the right time to get a paid works. That's really unjustice and unethical.
I'm still struggling a lot of stuffs and pray from my church all the time for miracle but feeling quite a left out all the time. I looking for relocate some other university but finance and funding is the most obstacle towards me as a mother with a teenage daughter. I feel if i had a better supervisor or i might be a good paid academic already.
Bless good luck to all Phd students with different backgrounds and i hope everyone will acheive their phd in the right time with a better paid job. Bless.

My supervisor has been ignoring me for months

Leeds after my MA in education. But there's only one indian supervisor saying i'm overqualify to apply and they don't give out funding at that time. So i need to give up in some point. And then later on,I do a p-t job for my tuition fees but end up in bad people run business to deceive student wages and i met a wrong man and had a daughter unfortunatley. Two yrs later then i do a p-t open university degree with art and humanity subject and then i saved a bit of money after 6-7 yrs to reapply MA and Phd again in Huddersfield in P-time. I finished my MA again so i have two BA and two MA due to some illogical and lazy supervisor and only looking for money from poor students in some point. The same MA and phd supervisor saying we have different faith background which is not the same research topic so he can't supervised me . So I haven't got the money to relocate somewhere else so I can only write another topic (even i don't want to) but have to adjust so that i can finish my Phd to get a paid job. That is about two yrs ago. But when the new government come, voluntary redundancy, retirement and staffs changing so fast suddenly. Then my supervisor start ignore me to reply my e-mail when i need a bit help for my proposal and phd thesis. (That supervisor is going to retire actually but he didn't tell.) I did approach another about 50'syrs old head of department also supervisor. But I spoke to him but he gave me a topic that cause a lot of money to finish in overseas and he had not promise any funding at all. I keep writing and e-mail the old supervisor but only after few months and he had already retire and left the post. I have no idea what to do.

Laptops and PhD's

some uni should provide any pc or laptop for students to use. Get one with guarantee. save backup drive. that's all. lots of vandalism and scary stuffs will happen. one of my German literature profession only use the oldest version PC or typewriter only, that what he told me. One of the Artist only use paintbrush only. ETc Etc.. Bless.. again.(down)

Been rejected AGAIN

U should take MA or MPhil or New Route for Phd scheme.

Pray for u. Bless.

Average age to have a first child for people who have phds?

Are u from china or sort of communist country. Don't be 'sexism' on phd female. that's depends on one economic, social and religious background. I'm not agree what u say. Lot of female acadmic are bore at least one child in this country. I had a Malaysian Phd Pharmacies had six grown up adults. How can u tell. This is Christian countries. Marriage is important in God's view. Not everyone is the same after phd life. My friend divorce and gone wrong moral way. Qualification meaning what??? Don;t get it yet. there are teaching staff had marriage and children first and start their phd. Some academic people feel family is very important to them either.

Free Education for All universal theme. Don't be too bias on everything. How many academic staffs got murdered in communist /terrorist countries. Have u dare to done this research.?? how to prevent this.. etc etc....

Quality of today's PhDs: article in Times Higher

That's what my 'ex-boyfriend' told me. I just start my phd cause he dump me for no reason. i leave in much more emptiness and some kind of sadness.

empricist, racist,nazist,terrorist england.

Not totally agree, I done my research in primary, secondary and disable study for chinese adult. They always suffered from slience.

How to deal with hostile review panel member.

one would not be your supervisor if she is not 'phd'.'lecture', 'reader' or assistance professor or 'professorship' etc.R u sure u've checked her academic background. Or 'u're part of their experiment. U can go to library do more extensive research on your research topic and e-mail to your original supervisor to discuss the problem. Hope it'll help Bless.

empricist, racist,nazist,terrorist england.

Beware, Lots of 'demon' lives up uk. robbing poor student. Beware and Bewise. JESUS.GOD BLESS. Amen.I've been lived in UK for 10 yrs now and be a Christian for 11 yrs. Lots of misfournate event and terrible people towards Chinese people. My relatives lives in US got a good job after graduation. Lots of local Born chinese still experience 'hate crime' from local nazist uk people. I have been attacked by different racial people in Uk. I'm glad God send his holy spirit to protect me.

I'm lone parent Phd student. Lots of Lots of problems, negative response and unhelpful towards lone-parent in higher education. Does anyone agree?

Could God help us?

Yes, type 'religion and education' statistic on goggle search tells u a bit more about this.  national statistic, home office statistic or some university web page .But it really depends on what countries the religious people based on. Are they lay practitioners, followers or the ordained religious leaders ,post. etc. etc, etc. Unfortunately, Religion still in a turmoil challenge because of fundamentalist exist. Buddhism practitioner class a more educated than any others, believe it or not. Christian came second. other eastern or middle east, are various and extreme. some countries do not have schools as religion is their schools due to inhumanity and political oppression. so different society had different values on this type of basis. Some country only one official religion exist. Some countries do not allowed religion exist. In civilised countries, people practice religion can be many fields. But beware they can go extreme being as a 'cult' group or 'destructive weapon' towards other non-believers. The origin or religion supposed to be peace and non-violent, but 'lots of cult group ' went to 'either non-peace, immoral, inhumanity' way to influence other around the world. So I Still believe 'JESUS, AND ONE GOD' STILL LOVE WORLD. BLESS.
