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I hate my dentist...

yay, my new glasses will be ready next week! they've got a funky bright red frame. 460 euros (with phototropic lenses), so i'll have to pay 110 euros, my insurance pays the rest

Sharing: undercurrents in PhD life

so are you not happy because your colleagues get on better with your sup than you do? i don't quite understand - if you think that is the case (maybe because they have known each other longer than you do) then why do you not pop around more often then? you could ask if someone fancies a cup of tea or if you could all go have lunch/dinner together because you think the group would profit from socialising more etc. you said you are right next door to your sup.

of course they're going to talk about work (too) when they're chatting with each other, that's only natural. it would be strange if they didn't. maybe you should come out of your office more often and socialise?

Top 5 foods I will eat once I'm off my new diet

olivia, i'm doing an MA right now, PhD starts in september (i hope, i'm starting to get worried i won't be able to manage everything in time, especially finishing off the damn thesis...).

Deciding what to do

what's to stop you doing a few stats courses WHILE you're doing the PhD?

Top 5 foods I will eat once I'm off my new diet

H, once i'm close to my goal weight i'll start exercising again (i'm already biking to town quite often already), i'm just careful cause i don't want to ruin my joints with jogging whilst i'm still carrying too much weight.

once i'm at my goal weight i'll slowly start increasing my calorie intake (about 100 more/day each week) and when i notice that i'm starting to put on weight again then i'll know to keep under that amount. also, once i start exercising again i'll be able to eat more cause i'll be burning more

Any linguist out there?

hairui, you are the rude person here.


actually, BHC IS perfect.

I can't seem to finish the MA!

i know how you're feeling!

i have to finish mine (with good grades!) by september to meet my conditional offer. i am currently dieing, but determined to finish this damn MA at last. every day i don't spend more than 4 hours on writing/thinking/reading i chastise myself. that doesn't help, but i just can't stop myself. i have been running a course of experiments for 4.5 years and that was nothing compared to the writing....! but, i'm finally in the results section. i am NOT going to give up now!!!

it's not helping that i've got to finish another thesis this week and start to study for a final oral exam end of july either.

starting the new program in september is going to feel like a holiday...

how to approch a supervisor


phd in tudelft

kamernet also offers flats (i saw some starting at 750euros/month excl. in delft).

Top 5 foods I will eat once I'm off my new diet

less than 1000 isn't good. i'm not losing weight very quickly either, 20 kilos since october is only about 2 kilos/month, that's average. if i started to exercise as well i would lose the weight quicker, but i'm too lazy...

Need advice on problems at work

Any linguist out there?

hairui, you are assuming way too much. i'm quoting wikipedia to you as the information in it is correct and easy to understand for lay people. you obviously have no idea of linguistics (sorry to put it that bluntly) and it's no use quoting advanced literature to you as you wouldn't understand it.

i have been studying and researching in linguistics for 12 years ,have been working as a research assistant in an internationally famous linguistics institute for the past 5 years and i know the "big boys" in my field. (no more info about me or you'll find me too easily...) i have given you the answer you were looking for - you could have read it up yourself on google/wikipedia if you could have been bothered, but obviously that's too much like hard work for you.

so, do you want any more so-called "academic dialogue"? i'm fed up with spoon-feeding you knowledge which you should be able to find out yourself on google within 10 minutes. how about opening an introductory linguistics book?

phd in tudelft

sorry, i don't pay taxes - not enough money
but the tax rate for married's is less than for singlies i think.

Need advice on problems at work

smrh.......too.......many...full..........stops..............drives me....nuts!