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Failed PhD, resubmit in another country?

Thanks, that's useful. Yes, it is in the UK. Problem with the thesis were due to lack of supervision, or rather, too enthusiastic one, letting my friend submit without any warning. I expect it would depend on the 'host' university, but I'm confirmed in my thought that there is a grey area around this.

If anyone has heard of something similar please let me know.


Failed PhD, resubmit in another country?

Hi again, I would really appreciate an answer from anyone with experience in the domain. Some friends seem to think it is possible, while I tend to believe it is not. Any information much appreciated. Thanks

Faking my way through...

Something similar happened here and I am not out of the woods yet. My belief is that the problem comes from not knowing what is a phd, what it requires. It is not just another exam (you must be used to pass through them easily if you got to phd level). Writing one chapter should be all right, you can still 'fake it' as no body expects the chapter to be anywhere near a final version. But you probably still have three years ahead of you if you want to finish. During this time my advice would be to:

1) find an unofficial supervisor, anyone, a more senior friend or coworker in your research field or related. You need one. He needs to question you about your progress, ask you to write chapters and read them. Give you deadlines. He or she will help you find what your research question should be.

2) Read a thesis or two in your field cover to cover, to know what you are expected to produce. Even if it's disheartening.

3) Read books about phd writing and understand them

4) Make contact with your official supervisor again, even if he is unlikely to help you more than in the past, but involve him, show that you respect his opinion

Good luck

Failed PhD, resubmit in another country?

Hope this has not been asked before (couldn't find the thread).

I'm writing for a friend (seriously), he has failed his phd in the UK and asked to resubmit for an MPhil. Content is there but method and analysis weren't judged satisfying.

The question is, rather than appealing, would it be possible to resubmit the updated material in another country with another supervisor for PhD?
