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Why am I torturing myself?

Oh I wish I could do that!!!
I know that I don't have to do all the work in one day....but if I start working I can't stop, ending up being exhausted and needing to rest for 3 days!!!!!!!!!
thanks anyway.......

Why am I torturing myself?

OK, stupid question, I know! But I will explain.
I had an email from my supervisor the day before yesterday, saying that I should do A, B and C during the following months. Anyone would understand that I had at least a month for these tasks. BUT not me!!!! I panicked! I haven't slept since then and I have been working constantly (with a break to go to my full-time job)!!!
The result was good, as I managed to finish the tasks, but my reaction (panic) make me feel so stupid and tired, by the way!

phd and dating

Well, I am working full-time in a Greek city and I am doing my PhD at the same time (part-time). My OH is at a different city, doing hiw training as a psychiatrist. We meet every three-four months. It is very difficult, but I guess we can manage. I would love to have him near me, as it is good to have someone who can hear you without judging you! On the other hand, now that he is away I can programme my life depending on what I want. I cook if I want and when I want, I clean, do the laundry whenever I feel like it.
We  have agreed that when he will be finished, he will open his practice at my place, as here it is easier for him (because of networking) and because I can't move, as my job is permanent.
I don't know if I had the courage/ability/stamina (you can call it as you like) to date during these years of PhDing! I think that it would have used so much of my time and energy.
But it also depend on the individual. A friend of mine cannot work without her BF next to her and it is a different BF almost every week!

How to identify the successful outcome from the PhD topic ?

I don't know! Maybe you are right!

S/he should give a better explanation.....

How to identify the successful outcome from the PhD topic ?

Well, if I understand correctly, you started a project which seemed easy but at the end it was not and now you are trying to find a way to proceed with your reserach quickly????? Is that it?
Well, it depends on your subject, your experiments and many other factrs. I don't think that there is a recipe that someone can give you and magically have a finished thesis....

Studying with Aspergers

Well, I agree with KB. I think that you should tell your uni. They maybe able to offer some help, or even people to talk to. I don't think there is any stigma attached to any difficulties a student may have.
Personally, I don't have Aspergers but I have been working with young children (much younger that you) who have it, so in a way I know what you are talking about....
Best of luck,

What is the ideal age to do a PhD?

Well, I don't think there is an "ideal" age.
I am 31 and in my second year of a part-time PhD. The reason for starting so "late" is that I realised I wanted to research my subject after I finished an MBA, which I did because I had a lot of free time and I didn't know what to do eith it (Oh yes, I am cvrazy and stupid and all of these nice things)....
Also, my mum started a PhD at the 40's...
I don't think that there is a certain age, it's just when YOU are ready to do it, when YOU have the experience and amturity to do it, and of course, when YOU find the right project for YOU. This may be at 20's or later in your life...

full time study, full time job

At my uni the minimus study period for a full time PhD is 3 years and for a part time one is 3 years and nine months. So it's not a big difference....And the fees are half!!!!

Need some advice!

When I was applying, I had 2 offers: one from the top university in my field and one from a not so good university. I had interviews with both and I didn't know which one to choose.
Then, something happened. I accidentaly received an e-mail from the supervisor in the first university (the "good" one) saying: "Let's hope that emmaki will not accept, because she and her research will be problems"!!!!
And then I thought, what th f***, if I am considered a problem before even starting, what will ahppen next? So, I accepted the offer at the second uni. There, I have 2 great supervisors, who know the area, are very interested in my sybject, help me with my research...
What I want to say is that you have to consider all the aspects. Maybe uni A is in top 20, but what about the supervisor? 3 or more years is along period to have bad relationships and supervision. Maybe uni B is not as good, but what about the supervisor there? Who can help you? Who can give you better guidance?

Accountability Partners - Write your Dissertation in 15 Minutes a Day

I decided that  should start writing here in order to have some work done!!!! :p
Well, today I had planned to transcript 2 interviews and translate them into English (my interviews are in Greek and I translate each of them, double work, I know!!!).

I did it! And because I felt very happy for completing this task, I went on working. I ended up transcribing 3 more interviews and translating all of them. I also did an initial analysis in one of my interviews!!!!!!!

I feel great! But I am soooo tired that I can't do anything else for today.
I just hope that tomorrow I will continue with the same enthusiasm....;-)

full time study, full time job

It is doable but it is very difficult and needs a lot of courage.
I am working full-time in Greece but I am doing my PhD part-time, as fees are lower and it needs less time (does it????).
If I were you, I would go part-time. The minimum study period (at least at my uni) is not that much longer and you are more flexible. But it also depends on your subject. If you are in sciences, I don't know if you can do it, as labs and experiments sometimes need your presence every day....

What should I do?

I think that you should speak to your doctor and certainly not get a false note!!!!

BUT I also think that you should speak to someone special about it. The forum is great, but people in here are no specialists. They can speak about their personal experiences or about theie experiences of people they know, but a specialist can help you with YOUR situation. Everyone is different and deals with problems/issues differently....

Why are you doing your PhD?

1) Because I loooove studying
2) Because I looove my subject, which although it seems easy nobody in my country had ever studied before
3) Because if I have free time I don't know what to do with it (pathetic, I know)
4) Because my other half is living at the other side of my country while doing his medical training
5) Because I want to get a promotion at my job
6) Because I believe I can do it
7) Because my friends and family believe I can do it

What are you doing right now?

After spending a night full of study, because I had done NOTHING for a couple of days due to toothache (oh yes, terrible, terrible experience) now I am getting ready for another visit to the dentist (who happens to be my father, so he doesn't have any problem if he hurts me :p ) and then I have 2 interviews scheduled. I am very glad I managed to arrange these interviews, as teachers in Greece are not willing to participate in an interview, are not willing to be recorded and are not willing to speak their minds..... And that can be really un-helpful (is there such a word?) for me......:-(

Viva loveliness!

No corrections!!!!!!!!!! Well done!!!!!!!!! Many many congratulations!!!!!!