Overview of HappyDays

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What would you do if ...

Hmmm.. I think I would have to see some photographic evidence before commenting. I don't suppose you...ummm...have any photos of the incident do you?

Morning tea/ coffee/ coke?

Always a nice cup of coffee. Myself and a friend have a theory that it helps keep you regular too! First sip of a strong coffee and there's certainly movement! Anyone else agree?

Why did H leave?

I think that's a pretty fair summary Pea. It may be a bit quieter now, but it does help me get on with some work for a change!

Dear PostGradForum Team

H - Did you know that Dublin is the biggest city in the world?

It is you know - it just keeps Dublin and Dublin and Dublin!!

You see - I too agree that there should be a balance of fun and serious posts. It's just when it gets ridiculous "Ban me, ban me" etc that I think enough is enough.

Dear PostGradForum Team

At least that means no more dragging up of old posts - that really annoyed me!

Dear PostGradForum Team

Oh right... so what's the problem then?

Dear PostGradForum Team

I'm not sure either. I've been away for a couple of weeks, so missed all the gossip!

has yahoo stolen a pic of forums front page

She's done ok though - she was in the first 3 series of 24 as the bouncing Kim Bauer before she decided to become a student.

Questions, questions, questions

I would say they've got to have real jobs as well. Surely reading everything we write all day every day would send them crazy?

Didn't she come on here not long ago?

Maybe we should all club together and get a degree from Belford?

Night out in London

I only go to London once a year. When I've saved up enough money to buy a pint.

Where do fit 25 year olds plus hang out?

That's more like it DJ... a bit of hard to get... you're learning!

Where do fit 25 year olds plus hang out?

I also think you're hunting on the wrong day. What with the England game coming up in just a few hours, any potential boyfriend worth his salt will have his mind on other things...

Where do fit 25 year olds plus hang out?

MMM... maybe we need to work on "not looking desperate" too.

Where do fit 25 year olds plus hang out?

Ok, but if you do meet a potentially "wooable" subject tell them to come on here and talk to me first. I guess it may sound a bit strange, but if it's to be true love I'm sure they'll oblige.