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How do you get a Post-Doc in America???

Hi Guys,
I am about half way through my PhD (if on track, I'll finish in about 18months) but I would really love, love, love to do a Post-Doc in America pretty much straight after. I'm starting to do some research on this now but I just wondered if any of you have tips/hints on how to secure a Post-Doc abroad? The application process all seems a bit complicated and the visas. Also, how far in advance did you have to apply before you started the Post-Doc?
Any advice would be fab.


Indispensable Psychological Attributes

I'm currently working on the ability to ignore my supervisor's direction (without them finding out and kind of making out it was their idea when they question it) as most of what they say is total garbage!
This is for the purposes of self-preservation else I would totally go mad and probably get myself into a lot of trouble by shouting and swearing at them when the supervisor says some very inflammatory/aggravating/annoying remarks about my work, direction of project, or even personality! Nothing is ever good enough, how blimming rude!

At the end of the day you just have to bite your tongue, get your head down and do the work.

Transfer Reports size

Ours has to be 30 pages absolute maximum, with very clear guidelines on the areas that should be addressed (rather than conventional intro, methods, data etc.)

University of Nottingham School of Biology

One school (food science/nutrition area I think) is based in Sutton Bonington and is about 10miles away from the main campus. From memory I think its actually closer to Loughborough and it felt a teensy bit isolated when I went there. But then they do have a very good rep as a Uni so maybe its worth it?

Questioning the system.

No, you've missed the point!
I wasn't saying 'I'm alright jack' (I resent this comment alot!!!), I'm saying yes I am ok and I don't need you fighting my corner at this time! If I want help I'll ask for it! You're assuming everyone is working in a hell hole and needs saving. Just because you've had a harsh time of it, why is everyone else?!

FYI, 12k is enough. Myself and my colleagues work very close to London and we manage! Most without pt work and they have families.

Questioning the system.

Secondly, working conditions are fine, the hours are upto you (more or less) Although sups can be gits and their could be more of a structure/support there.
Career structure - do you need spoonfeeding man? Go to your careers office!

Questioning the system.

People are shooting you down because (i feel) you are telling us how we should think, act and behave at work.

I don't want you to provide for me and I don't want you fighting my corner! I can sort myself out thanks.

If you feel there is something wrong with the system, then fine, start some campaign/raise awareness. But don't expect blanket support from all PhD students, because not all of us feel like you and if we do, not everyone wants to do something about it. And its their choice to speak out or not, not for you to try and force the issue!

I also think your 'manifesto' is poor. For starters, as pointed out earlier, a £12k stipend is plenty to live on. If people take part-time jobs then its their choice and I'm sure they would've taken into account the possibility of doing pt work when they applied for their project.

PhD stipends are a rip off!

Yes I do like recognition but I don't care who gets paid what, I'm on my own journey. What other students get paid is upto them and the bursaries they happen to have applied for. I could've applied for them too probably but I found mine and was quite pleased with it!

Why do we need to assert ourselves? What for? What about? Why are you getting angry about it now, when you've finished and should be focussing on the future? What is the point?!!

PhD stipends are a rip off!

Oh my god badhaircut, listen to yourself man! What does your girlfriend think of this? You spitting jealously about her 'amazing' wages just because she chose a different path to you?! I say good for her! She's obviously very talented to get such a rare grant. And you even had a stab at your best friend! Seems to me you're driven by money and you have chosen the wrong career if you want lots of that mate. Your bitterness and seriously cynical attitude is really starting to grate. I do not appreciate you constantly trying to undermine MY decision to do MY phD. I haven't 'rolled over' like a muppet for anyone or anything since I started the project. I know its depressing not having a job but to be honest, doing a PhD is pretty high risk as you NEVER really know what is waiting for you once you've finished.

Questioning the system.

I do my 40hrs/week, I work a little part-time job. I'll do a bit of extra work if required at the weekends but I don't stay up til 5am doing lit reviews and I don't hate my supervisor! Is this normal? I mean, don't get me wrong, some aspects of the 'job' are very frustrating but nothing on the scale I've been reading...

Questioning the system.

Sorry, I agree with you on some points but you are talking rubbish about the diversity issue. I'm in the science area and our department (actually the whole uni) could never be accused of being too "middle class" or "un-diverse" or whatever. I think academia is very diverse by its nature, as researchers we're constantly in touch with fellow academics all over the world!
I think something has obviously upset you and yeah, us PhD students do have to put up with some crap from supervisors and over-bearing post docs but there's no point bringing up issues that aren't there!
If you hate the system so much why are you fighting it? Life is too short! Look after yourself and find something that doesn't cause you so much aggravation, surely it's not worth it?!

I don't know about how anyone else feels but I think my experience as a PhD student feels very different from how people describe it on here and especially this particular thread.

Periods gone hay-wire (girls only!!!)

Since I've started my project I've noticed hormones have been doing strange things to me...for example skin always looks dull and crap. My make up can not save me. But my hair will not stop growing!! Plus I have TOTAL meltdowns over tiny things (flip out, shout, take it out on boyfriend, go very quiet, sulk then cry). I'm too embarrassed to say here what I 'meltdown' over, it's just too stupid. The most recent one was over margarine though...
The worst thing is, is that at the time it feels a very real problem. Its only after I've let off steam and calmed down and see my bemused boyfriend's face that I realsie how silly it is. Then i feel guilty because I think that the boyfriend thinks that I'm being manipulative/spoilt etc. But he has recently told me that he understands that I'm under pressure but I'm still a bit mental!!!

What is your thesis title?

I think we're all a little guilty of thinking 'eh?!' to practically everyone's PhD execpt your own! Mine is in nutrition and I'm enjoying it but at the end of the day science can get very tedious, stuffy and pretentious sometimes! A.K.A Boring!!
To me the elephant PhD sounds mad but fab! I'd love to listen in to a talk on your project chrisrolinski!
In fact, at our place we're thinking of forming a group where PhD students share their work but they are from all different subject backgrounds, so we don't get bogged down on the finer points of something I don't understand let alone know how to spell!

BSc, MSc, PhD at *same* university

Well, I don't think it should make a difference but I know it probably does (which I think is silly!) People have commitments and want to stay local for the sake of family/support network/mortgage whatever. For some its just unrealistic to create so much upheaval for the sake of it, when there's a perfectly good project waiting for you 'down the road'.. I'm doing my PhD at the same place as my undergrad (with a year of work in between) because I like the local area and I'm settled. I'm 'living the dream' in the sense of having the opportunity to do a PhD and I am committed and motivated to finish it but I knew when I was looking for a project that I was not going to upset my life for it. The place where I am now has changed so much in the space of a year - new management, new faces, new research. So if and when I get to the end of this project, someone challenges me about this issue then I feel I can justify it.

Saturday 22nd Demonstration re: Bombing of Lebanon

I wasn't being sarcastic! Don't know why I bother posting sometimes...