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Fave books (non-fiction and fiction)

cool, ta Juno I'll check it out when I have finished On Beauty.

What should I expect in the first few months?

Expect to do a lot of reading in the first few months & wondering if you should actually be doing something else

I just got offered a BBSRC 4 year PhD studentship!

Congrats - well done.

sco-sci's when did you transfer from Mphil to PhD?

OK Thanks for the replies everyone. xx

I am nearly at my 2 year mark, but a bit behind schedule - as I have been working on a couple of papers and got slightly sidetracked. Just concerned that my uni is going to blow the whistle on transfer time & I haven't got enough to show show for myself at the mo.

Fancy Dress ideas

Thank you for your suggestions. Dressing up as a pea is certainly one option coastman -thank you .

Maybe I will go for the wench look 404- I was thinking of getting handy with some sheets and making a toga type thing and going as cleopatra. My bf suggested wonder woman & although I can proudly get into a pair of hot pants I think there is something intrinsically wrong about a 31 year old wearing them.

Fancy Dress ideas

I've got a fancy dress party coming up & I need some inspiration. My minds gone blank.
I don't want to go to the expense /hassle of hiring a costume - so ideally something that can be easily found /made.

Last time I went to a fancy dress I went as Daphne from scooby doo, but I gave the purple dress to a charity shop yonks ago. I also went to one with my best mate and we dressed up as Oasis -v.funny as we are both girlie girls. We looked very wierd with huge drawn on shaggy eye brows.

sco-sci's when did you transfer from Mphil to PhD?

I was just wondering at what stage people were when they did their transfer or when they expect to do it?
Was it decided my time i.e you'd done 2 years ergo the time was nigh to transfer, or was it because your thesis /analysis had reached a certain point? Had you already begun writing up & if so how far had you got?

Fave books (non-fiction and fiction)

Shanghaichica I read saving fish from drowning a few months ago - it's ace.
I've read every single one of Tan's books. Its a slight departure from her other stuff but really good all the same. By favourite book of all time is Hideous Kinky by Ester Freud, but generally I am a big fan of asian authors and anglo asian lit When we were orphans by Kazu Ishiguro is another all time fav of mine & Shanghi baby by Wei Hui.
I am reading On Beauty by Zadie Smith at the mo - so far so good. A lot of it is set on a US campus and most of the key characters are academics and I am really enjoying her analysis of university life & intellectual rivalry - very caustic but oh so true

miserable with broken arm

poor DJW what a horrible thing to happen, I hope it doesn't hurt too much?
You made me think of a book I can't remember the name it's really famous though, it's something like "drawing with the right side of your brain" - but not exactly 100% sure, but it's all about unleashing creativity. It has drawing exercising in it that you are supposed to do some of them with your left hand ( if you're right handed)

Anyway - congrats on Drdom!

Oh why, Oh why, Oh why.....

I've had that song "I've had the same jeans on for 4 days now" stuck in my head for days and every time I start singing or lala-ing it, it morphs into Brim full of Usher by Cornershop.
I think Saint Norman Cook of Brighton should re-remix - its sure to be a smash.

PhD viva tomorrow

Business Studies, Marketing / MBA students -product placement refs

lol @ golfpro you could say that...
I'm looking at the social shaping of technology ( esp computers) within a socio-economic framework - Reich, Florida etc

Anyway Ta Otto - I'll give that a whirl

Business Studies, Marketing / MBA students -product placement refs

oh gosh, I am an interdisciplinary thingie...
computing/social sciences / media studies/marketing but my project touches base on socio-economics. I am trying to explore an idea from a business studies / marketing perspective - but don't really know the literature at all.

Business Studies, Marketing / MBA students -product placement refs


I am looking for some references/ reading on product placement as brand strategy & added value. I have been looking but am not very well up on business studies journals. Any thoughts or suggestions?

Proposal Nightmare: Please help me improve my proposal

ooh interesting. Bram Stoker is one of my favourites
I am afraid I don't know anything about eng lit style proposals -but now you've said I am sure someone on here will be able to give you a few pointers