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Proposal Nightmare: Please help me improve my proposal

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quitting job for phd and the usual doubts

pea continued.. ( hey I think this is my 1st ever continue )

You will get the odd day where you think b&**O*ks what have I done????
But for me, it is usually fleeting. Research has loads of 'lifestyle' benefits & when its all going well -you just can't beat the feeling. Now and again I look at the salary for FT lecturers & research post and grown inwardly at the fact that when I finish the thesis and get a FT research post I'll be earning signficantly less than in my last media job, even though its 3 years on, but money really isn't everything & I suspect it is slightly better for science-science ( am socsci) in the salary dep.
I say go for it - you'll do amazing. Good luck.

quitting job for phd and the usual doubts

I am 31 & nearly at the end of my 2nd year. I was in exactly the same postion as you when I started. I had a well paid job in the media in a dep that receives 100's of letters a week asking for work experience, and after a 3 year gap know there is no way back in. When the time came to leave I really deliberated and actually stayed on 2 months longer at work even though I was enrolled and officially doing the PhD full time!
Basically I love my life as it is now. The fact that its 9:30 and I am sat in my PJ's having a cuppa & after I've had a shower in a minute I'll stroll into Uni, do a couple of hours teaching, read the paper etc. I hardly ever get on the tube these days which is bliss.
I see all my old work friends so stressed and tired & money money money, and one of my best mates has just made it to MD of an ad agency and her hair is falling out as a result of the stress.

why does nobody reply to my posts?

Bobby - here is another reply. Please do not feel sad. x

What's everyone doing this weekend?

bf & I went out for diner on Fri night for our 3 year aniversary, last night my best mates 30th in a pub in borough market, it was a proper old school knees up with a cheesey disco ( the dj had traffic lights, smoke machine and kept speakng into his mike - Shabba!) then spent this morning at the flower market ( purchased quite randomly 3 lavender plats for £5 -simply because they were £5) & sat in a morrocan cafe in Brick lane contemplating why I do not normally drink sambuca shots i.e because they make me feel pooo. Spent this afternoon doing boring stuff like washing clothes....

Pets and Phd life :-)

I really really really really want a dog, but can't face the thought of poopascoop.

Student/Supervisor Relationships - how is yours?

my cat has provided a few useful journal references . She's a genius.

Pets and Phd life :-)

I have a cat who is as old as my project. I got her in the 1st week or so since I knew I would be at home more, by myself. When she was a kitten she used to attack the key board when I was typing and chew the edge of my books & glasses. Now she is all grown up and sits quietly on my lap whilst I am at my desk on days I am at home. I definately think pets have a massive theraputic effect.

Had my hair cut and feel WEIRD!

Don't worry, I bet it looks fab and bobs are v.ontrend .
Its always a wierd feeling when you go from really long white blonde, to having quite a bit chopped off -I am sure it'll grow on you ( pardon the pun). 7 years ago I went from having long blonde hair all my life to a dark brunette mia farrow job and thats the piccie in my passport. Since then I must have had every colour and length in between and have been asked for additional ID and even stopped at customs in a few places because I now look so different. Its good for the soul to have a change & you can always grow it

My day out in London - your recommendations

If you do go to Greenwhich, go through the foot tunnel to Island Gardens on the Isle of Dogs and take the DRL to Canary Wharf or get off @ East India Dock for some nice places to eat on the river. East End- best end!

Home sweet home!!!

Welcome back. I'm glad you're on the mend.

What I love about research ...

Can I do 3?

I love a) sitting in coffee shops reading books & it is actually my job/work

I love afternoon powernaps to recharge the old grey cells

I love my undergrad students - so nice & funny.

Great name for an university

love it.
I want a lovely degree!

Feeling guilty about lack of output?
Feeling guilty about lack of output?

Sound familar?
