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PowerPoint Presentation
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He has definitely decided, but the thread may be found by others and help them a lot

PhD or job? Help please!
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Practice is more to learn than theory, so you'd better take the job. Anyway, you'll get experience and will be able to build a descent career.

Entirely lost motivation and interest in PhD (after 1+ year)
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I think, you should complete your PhD and only then decide what to do. If you don't have any idea of what to do in your life, so don't leave PhD, because at least you'll have a degree, if you leave -- you'll have nothing.
For making a descent research there are a lot of services that make them at a low price.
During your studying start to think, what you want to do, so by graduating you'll have a plan.

Academic English
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Thanks, that is extremely useful!

How to choose a research topics for better research experience?
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You should choose your topic from what are you interested in, only then you will seriously study the topic and make it with a great pleasure. It is also should be what is not studied enough yet. Try to find out, if there are researches on the most thrilling questions for you and you'll find your research topic.