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How do you convert word file to a PDF?

How do you convert word file to a PDF file?

Many thanks!!

Supervisor pushing me too far

change an advisor ?

have many drafts do you have to go through with your advisor before submit?

Just curious...thanks!

Introvert or Extrovert?

Interesting! I just realize that all PhD students in my area here either have black or dark brown hair

2nd year misery

i went through this feeling as well. My understanding now is that if you get depressed = it could mean you might have too much time. Solution: get a part time job, take some fun classes, hang out more, publish more, etc. Get extremely busy then you won't even have time to care about your advisor or how the feedback is going to be....etc.

How long does it usually take for you to get feedback on your draft?

BB, you are so luck

need tips on motivation and speeding up please

Thank you so much !!

adviser planning to leave, what do you do?

Don't worry. Most students in my department leave after they complete their residencu requirement. In touch w/ advisor via phone, e-mail..i don't see anyone has any problem. You should be fine.

need tips on motivation and speeding up please

Any tip on motivation to write, to finish up or to speed up ?

How long does it usually take for you to get feedback on your draft?

how long does it usually take for to get feedback on your draft from advior? e.g. for a chapter ? for the whole thesis?

I just don't get my supervisor

Just forgive her, advisor's always right, otherwise..