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Thank you Satchi, hopefully the final year will be better than the previous three for me!


Thank you so much for your kind reply! I spent the weekend writing my thesis. I've got the introduction and materials and methods pretty much done, and I'm working on the first results chapter. Don't have much to go in there and there are some flaws in what I have, but I think it'll be easier to decide what to do once I have everything organised.
I am more motivated though, I think I can do it if I put a lot of effort in.
Thanks again!

Do I have a chance to get PhD?

I think your reasons are good, if I was interviewing you and you gave me those two reasons I would definitely find them reasonable. Also, it doesn't matter you're not from Cambridge or Oxford. What can you lose if you try? Good luck.

Approaching a supervisor

You seem very polite, so I think you should just email the supervisor back and ask politely. He won't be upset. I would wait a couple of weeks and then email him.


I am a PhD student finishing my third year. One year left. I am desperate because I have no data, no motivation, no idea what I want to do after I finish. I don't like the people I work with - most of the post-docs dislike me, the ones who do like me seem to struggle in this lab as well. Several quit and find new jobs elsewhere as the environment here is too toxic for them to handle.
The post-docs supervising me ignored me for the first 2 years and a half, and now suddenly realised I exist and only put pressure on me, implying I won't make it.
My supervisor is nice, but he doesn't do lab work at all, he only manages the lab and has important roles in the University, so I don't think he understands.
I am starting to write my thesis (I was told I need to write up and work in the lab simultaneously as I won't have the time to write up only in the end) but I feel sad, depressed, and been eating and sleeping irregularly (a lot.). I feel moody all the time, and don't know what to do.
Is it possible to do lots of work in the final year and get a PhD? Any thoughts? Help :(