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I might have been terminated from uni [anxiety disorder]
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Have you talked directly with your supervisor? They might be sympathetic and will want you to finish. A lot of the admin departments will see you as another student who needs to follow the process but your supervisor should genuinely want to help you. Depending on the situation your supervisor could possibly pull some strings so that you get re-accepted. So I think the person you should be seeing is them, as they will want you to finish.

Bench fees for coverage of expenses
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Ask your supervisor about it. The account is probably already set up and you won't need to apply for it. Ask for a budget code or who in finance can book flights/hotels.

Bench fees for coverage of expenses
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I don't know if this differs between universities and fields.

Bench fees, are a pot of money to fund extra costs associated with your research. So like lab consumables, software, conferences etc, that are part of your PhD but have costs. I am in engineering and get £5k a year for to cover all my lab work and conferences. So when I want something, I ask my supervisor for approval and the money comes out of the bench fees. You can think of it as a pot of money that you can spend on your PhD.

doubts about applying for a phd, any chemistry phd students here?
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To add to pm133's point, a good mark in your dissertation can partially make up for 2:1 grade.

Have you seen anyone who got a postdoc job without a first-authored paper?
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Quote From sciencephd:
Thank you so much for your advice and encouragement, Jamie!
My supervisor cares only about his own career but not my development. His indifference to my needs has made me lose my confidence. I've already reminded him that I need more advice on my development, but he couldn't care less and just told me to follow his instruction. Well, at this moment, his instruction is that I have to tailor my data to other people's papers. I'm struggling to find enough rationale to convince him to give me a chance to write my own paper.

You don't need his permission to write a paper. Your rationale can be that you have already written it and you want his feedback before you publish. As you have taken the initiative he will have to give some reason for not wanting you to publish from which you can work with. He might tear your work to shreds and further dent your self confidence but he might decide to include other people's work in your first name paper.

Salary bands / Grades / Pay scale
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I don't get what you are asking? Are you asking if the exact same role could be a grade 6 at one university or grade at 8 at the other? If so, the the grades do differ. As the grading system is an arbitrary system based on the lowest level in the university with arbitrary levels. The grading system is based on primarily on pay and doesn't say much apart from that. So I don't think you should worry about the job grade except about pay.

Abstract For Conference Poster Without Results
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I completely understand your problem. I applied to many many conferences with few tangible results, so can somewhat advise. I didn't have specific sections and I would regurgitate my PhD proposal in 1 or 2 paragraphs. So, I would explain the topic, the aims, how I will achieve it and then end by re-explaining the importance. It got me a lot of poster presentations and a few flash presentations. If you really want a results section you can also use stock phrases such as "this study is ongoing" or "preliminary results are positive".

Article Request
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What I should have said use the website sci-hub.tw to find it. It is a free website with access to most journals. Initially the link was 4 pages long but this should work


Article Request
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You can get it through sci-hub.tw with this direct URL

Can I quit my PhD program and look for another one?
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First year PhD student - alcohol problems
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Please seek professional help! Even if it is your GP or through uni, they can give you real advice.

Have you seen anyone who got a postdoc job without a first-authored paper?
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Can you explain your part in each publication? I agree having no first name papers doesn't look good but you can still get a post-doc with zero publications. I know a few post-docs in Science & Engineering who had no publications from their PhD due to some reason or another, so don't worry too much. There was also a lecturer at my uni in microbiology who had no first name publications when he originally got his lecturer job but had several second name papers in Cell and other high profile journals. So working as part of a large isn't frowned upon. Though I would still ask your supervisor about getting a first name paper.

Postgraduate Forum 'refresh'
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Whatever happened to this refresh?

Tips on time management
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Can you shift your sleep pattern so that you wake up a few hours earlier and do your thesis then? I find that after a long day I can't focus whatever the situation but super focused in the morning. If you do 30mins-1 hour before work you might be able to consistently do small chunks.

Advice on what to do about academic situation that ended badly?
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The situation wasn't your fault and the university should not have forced you to deal with it by yourself. Your former head of department is human and will understand that. If you were close to him, he would be happy to hear that you are doing a PhD and succeeding in life.

I think you could send an email saying; that you were unhappy about how you left things after your last meeting, you had some difficult issues (add details if you want), that you have started a PhD at X studying Y and want to keep in touch in future. So that you aplogise as part of a keeping in contact email.