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Integrating peer-review comments into a thesis chapter.

Arrggghhh! Two-weeks before I submit my thesis, and I finally get the reviewers comments back from a paper I submitted. Surprise-surprise they want revisions to the paper. The problem I have is that the paper is based on one of my thesis chapters and I don't think I have ime to integrate the changes into the thesis at this stage. Anybody faced a similar problem?

Struggling to write.

Why-o-why can I not write! I'm trying to write the introduction of a manuscript and everything I write is just plain crap. At least that's my view. I've written the methods and results section, with not too much pain, but actually formally writing the introduction is just awful.

The manuscript is already late and I can feel my sups extreme disapproval burning into me.

Anybody got any suggestions!!!

Probably very simple stats question

I hate to ask, but why have you only two replicates for each treatment. You'll struggle to publish the results with that.

Strictly speaking you can't use ANOVA because you cannot really calculate a variance for N=2. If you can't increase the sample size then you have two options. Firstly, write a descriptive paper and simply describe your observations, this is quite often more difficult to publish. The alternative is to take a statistically ignorant approach and just use the ANOVA, but you'll need to check that the data conforms to the assumptions of ANOVA. If it doesn't your into a world of pain and suffering.

I'd suggest you read Underwood (1997) Experiments in Ecology. Its a whole book, all about ANOVA, so its a good place to start!

literature search


I would recommend you also look at scopus, as an alternative to web of knowledge. The databases tend to cover the peer-reviewed literature but scopus is useful as it can direct you towards online copies of PhD theses, monographs etc.

Probably the best place though is the literature itself. If you read a paper, look for relevant references in it and then search these out. It helps to generate the background. The other thing is. Your lit review probably won't slot straight into your thesis, its a baseline for you to work from. Talk to you supervisor and see if you can target the literature review in such a way as to publish it. Helps with motivation if you have a clear goal.

Using 'stimulants' to help you work

I think everyone is addicted to caffeine to a greater or lesser extent. Although would it not be better to try and kick the caffeine pills and move to tea or coffee. Its easier to manage what you take in, if you have to take it in slowly.

This does raise another question, what are peoples thoughts on cognitive enhancers? I've read articles recently about students using them to increase concentration, and there was an article in todays Guardian which suggested that use of them was similar to the use of performance enhancing drugs by atheletes.

choosing journal to publish your paper

You should assess the ISI rating of each journal, easiest way to do this is through Web of Knowledge. Its not perfect but it gives a quantitative assessment of the imapact a journal has.

Anybody here at Glasgow University?

Bob Furness is a legend and the Division of Environmental & Evolutionary Biology is a really good department. I haven't worked directly with Prof Furness, but he is well thought of.

Beware of UK supervisors!!

Girigoriya, you claim to be a biologist batting at PhD level. You may have ha a bad experience with a supervisor, but as a scientist how can you formulate your judgement based on a sample size as one. If you think N=1 is an acceptable sample size on which to base your opinion thats a very worrying situation.
Please don't make generalisations about an entire nations research and education framework based on your own limited experiences. It is completely inappropriate.

Favourite ( Favorite) Foods While Studying

clementine, satsuma, or madarin oranges I find strangely addictve and therapeutic when studying.

ESRC resiential eligibility rules

Surely as a UK citizen you aren't required to prove residency?

Getting offered a PhD and ither interviews now loom

I was recently offered a very interesting project. One which I have a good mind to accept. But I have applications for projects still outstanding, and another interview now looms. Given that interviews are initially expensive (even though I can claim the money back) and not the most enjoyable experience, should I pull out from the interview, or go along, at least for a point of comparison?
Tis a dilema

Which came first?

And if we take the chicken-egg thing to its logical conclusion then some sort of asexual protist, with feathers.

Which came first?

The difference between tangerines satsumas and mandarins. Do you mean the qualitative difference or a detailed phylogeny of cultivated citrus fruits. All three are probably derived from an ancestoral fruit, perhaps a satanderine, from which farmers in Empiral China selectively bred for small size, as in the satsuma, small size, as in the tangerine, or maybe small size, as in the mandarin.

looking for a PhD opportunity in marine mammal

Have you tried approaching anyone at the University of St Andrews, they have a Sea Mammal Research Unit. I think this is the only research group in this area in the UK.