Overview of swantje

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Phd Fashion for Fall?!

ooooh, i just love empire style! got a whole wardrobe full of the stuff, loving it

Excited to be starting...

i envy you!

Am I the only one working on a Saturday??

i read for seven hours today - 7 weeks until i'm free and going to london! gonna go to the library tomorrow/today too, i still have 250 pages to read tomorrow... somehow that sounds a tad unrealistic.

article unavailable in the library Grrrrrrrrrrrrrr

yes, i always mail the first author if i have problems finding the article. they are always very happy to oblige. one article was so old the author sent me a paper copy in the post. i scanned it in for him and sent it as a pdf mail attachment. he was quite pleased.

How procrastination can help fight world hunger

do not go near this site! i was addicted to it for months... the amount of strange words i know now is amazing... must find a use for a few in my thesis and stun my supervisors

Small conference now or big conference later?

go for the big ones! no use wasting your time and effort on anything else...

Interview questions likely to be asked

mine never asked the "standard" questions which i thought rather surprising. i was warned in advance to prepare a 10 minute talk about my project proposal, they asked a few questions about it, then the "article"-question i mentioned earlier. then they asked whom i thought would fit to me as a supervisor and then i asked quite a few questions.

girlfriend presents. how can men ammeliorate

antique jewelry - no conscience issues. cheaper too.

Living away from where you're studying?

bad idea.

Interview questions likely to be asked

mine asked me if i could talk about an article i had read recently which was really interesting or relevant for my project proposal and if i could just summarise and discuss it for them...

Interview questions likely to be asked

mine asked me if i could talk about a article i had recently which was really interesting or relevant for my project proposal...

girlfriend presents. how can men ammeliorate


What can I do as my PhD? ZOOLOGY...

i would pick a cute kind of animal personally. probably something furry and cuddly.

Supervisor Comments and Emancipation from Supervisor

my supervisor is a medic and HE can't even read his own handwriting...

When is it best to start applying for my PhD?

i started applying in march and i was expecting to finish my MA in november. i applied with a research proposal to several advertised positions, got taken at my first interview and my funded position is starting in september. now i'm rushing through my exams to be ready in time for september i think you should start applying for positions about 6 months in advance, then you might be lucky and not have a gap between MA and PhD.