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I've handed my thesis in for my supervisor to check

Brilliant cc, I hope you are enjoying your doughnut.

Hope your supervisor does not make you wait too long for comments.

Shortest thesis chapter

Another one who thinks it is fine to have a short chapter.

Help - Stuck on conclusion chapter!

Hi Goods

I had a major problem with this chapter also. In fact, I am sure I posted about it in Jan/Feb time as I was struggling also. In my humble opinion, this chapter needs to be more than simply a review of findings from both your previous chapters. Obviously the chapter can be structured around this but it needs to think more about the implications of your findings, how reserch could usefully take the findings of your thesis forward. It is more an overall 'so what' chapter. Okay, you have done all this fantastic work, but what does it really mean?

I also had a section for overall strengths / weaknesses and tried to tie the whole thesis together. It is also a point for mentioning more recent work in relation to your findings (stuff published since you did your lit review chapter).

Hope this helps! That is what I was told, so of course others may have differing opinions.

just joined today

Welcome katesays, this forum is a great support and source of info. I hope you enjoy chatting here.

woohoo - it is all official!

Thanks guys, you are all lovely. My graduation is next month (26th June) so not so long for me Kronkodile. Hope you have a fab day too. I think I will wait for the certificate for framing Shani.

how to break through writers' block?

How about blocking paragraphs and working on these individually? I would do that and only move onto the next when you feel you have 'turned around' that particular paragraph.

Which username on this forum do you like the most?

I think thecoastman sounds much more confident too, the only coastman!

I like pea and piglet too. I wish we had avatars, they could have some great ones.

Will no one ever help me?

That is such a pain. It sounds as if you are almost there to be honest. The fact that so many people are leaving is vrey telling. It is not right but sadly this is not the first time I have heard of such circumstances in academic, and I doubt it will be the last.

I am glad that you have got a great counsellor, I am sure that helps a lot. I don't know what else to suggest, other than just try and hang in there. The whole situation is completely outrageous and it sounds as if you have done an amazing job of dealing with it so far.

How far are you off submitting?

woohoo - it is all official!

Okay, maybe just a glass of white to start with. I have to pace myself and it is a little early.

woohoo - it is all official!

More teaching and some further research (fingers crossed, waiting for contracts to be signed). Think I have to spend some time this summer writing grants which is a bit scary.

woohoo - it is all official!

Oh well then, virtual drinks at lunch time. You twisted my arm.

Will you call youself Dr?

Good point!

woohoo - it is all official!

A very self-centred yay for me today as I just received my letter from the Uni saying that my PhD has been awarded and approved by the Board of Studies. I am much happier as I know it is all official. Can't wait until graduation next month now so it feels 'real' if that makes sense.

Will you call youself Dr?

It's funny though as I always thought I would have no problems using it but now the time is almost here, I am struggling to be honest. I am not sure if I will change my details personally (e.g. bank stuff) but I will use it professionally in academia. It feels very odd and a little pretentious. I don't actually think it is pretentious at all professionally, but I feel others might think that if that makes sense. I think I just need to get on with it once I have graduated!

I can categorically say though that I won't be using it for the milkman or in pizza places!

Will no one ever help me?

Good idea about student rep Juno. I think that is worth a go. Do you have an independent person who is responsible for postgrad students throughout the Uni? It might be worth finding out. I did not know we had one until recently. It is helpful as this person is not in my discipline so I could have gone and discussed such problems in confidence if I had needed to.

Hope you get this sorted. What your supervisor said was completely out of order.