Overview of Melsie

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N at A Level- Need to declare it when applying for Masters?

I think it would be ok to omit it. Actually, I didn't give any info about qualifications from school on my masters application, just info about my degree.

How can I find a PhD supervisor?

Assuming you've chosen a supervisor... you should say when and where you graduated from and with what degree(s), what the project would be (or at least the area), and that based on their previous publications, you thought it might be a project they'd be interested in supervising. You should be sending an email though, not sure if you meant to say that. Another option which could be available is to outline a project proposal and ask the relevant departmental secretary to send it to staff, then the ones who are interested in supervising it could contact you.

How to deal with nasty, arrogant a**holes

Maybe you could mention it to your supervisor (not who said it, but what was said) and ask how they would've responded to it? Really it depends on the situation - sometimes someone will say something useful that makes you realise a potential problem in your work, but the situation you described sounds like they didn't really understand your work and were just being malicious. The energy they're wasting talking about it would be better spent focussing on their own problems.

I think you just have to trust that by the end you will be able to answer these technical questions and find more supportive students to talk to who can help you fill the gaps in your knowledge (recommend stuff they read as undergrads that they think was important to know maybe). Sounds like you're doing your best so just ignore the person or cut them dead with something like "It's great you're so interested in this. I'm still getting to know the area though, if you think there's a problem then why don't you go discuss it with... (whoever your supervisor is)? It sounds like an important issue - I'm sure he/she would prefer we didn't waste time doing the wrong thing. I can pass on your thoughts at our next meeting and see what he says if you want?".
I reckon they'll back off after that - after all there's a reason they're challenging someone who's still finding their way rather than an expert with much more experience. ;-)

As for the confidence thing, don't worry - it'll come, you just need some time to settle in. :-)

Which bank for CDL?

Hey Natassia, I just asked the same thing on another thread but no responses. It's seems a bit vague, I dunno what they would classify as vocational. You're also doing psychology/cognitive neuroscience or something like that right? Have you heard of anyone before getting a CDL for that type of masters?

Sorry Newdecade, I don't know which one will process it quicker, I'm trying the co-op first though (no particular reason why).

Career Development Loans

Hey guys, just wondered if anyone here has ever taken out a CDL for a cognitive neuroscience masters (or a similar course)? I'm not sure if research training masters count as 'vocational' courses.

Charity/trust fund grants

I wasn't able to find any funding from charities etc. that I was actually eligible to apply for. Can you get a CDL for cog neuro masters? That would help a lot, think I will go to the bank and ask.

PS I can't believe you used your real name! Guess who? :p

When did you decide to do a PhD?

No, it's absolutely not too early - start thinking about your PhD now, it'll give you the best shot at funding after the masters. What's your subject?

Supervisor wants to write my papers (and some chapters)

I agree, writing about your research is one of the most important skills you learn doing a PhD. I'd say it's fine if she wants to edit your work but she should at least let you have a go at it! I don't think she should write any of your chapters, stuff you submit for publication is more negotiable though.

Accepting/rejecting offers

Don't think you should accept an offer if you're not going to take it. The offer will still stand, tell them you are still waiting to hear back from other places.

Acknowledging Supervisor...? Too personal?

I don't get it. Fair enough if it's going in for publication, then I think it's ok to acknowledge any guidance or help you had. But if it's only gonna be read by staff marking it, do you not think it's more apt to just say thanks in person or by email or something?

Supervisor/Supervisee Relationship- What's Appropriate?

I would be very careful here... as your supervisor, his main function is to guide you to completion of your PhD, not to be your friend (or something more even). How close are you to completion anyway?

I think it would be a good idea to set up some boundaries i.e. to agree to be a bit more 'formal' when directly discussing your work.

Do you believe in a 'God'?

Quote From eska:

Hey Walminskipeas - maybe you can answer something for me? It always amazes me when atheists become angry and or passionate about people believing in god - why does it bring out so much passion? I mean if I didn't believe in something I just wouldn't bother about it and get on with my life.

Can't speak for Walminski, but I also get quite frustrated when people talk about their religious beliefs. There are two main reasons for me feeling like that... as a scientist I think that there's a natural explanation for everything. So when people invoke some kind of supernatural entity to explain the world it's a bit like an attack on science, which I take quite personally because it is so important to me. I think a lack of evidence for something is more reason to believe that it doesn't exist than it does, but organised religion seems to take the opposite viewpoint...
Secondly, it would be easy to ignore the fact that I don't agree with religious people if I wasn't in contact with them. But the fact is that the two largest monotheistic organised religions, Islam and Christianity, take the view that proselytising is to be actively encouraged. So such people bring their views into contact with me, and this kind of dialogue is never going to be productive. One side taking the view that a belief is to be maintained despite the facts, and the other taking the view that it is constantly up for revision dependent on the facts.
I agree though that atheists often do not differentiate between organised religion and spirituality (if this is the right word), but again I would turn to the evidence. I feel amazed when I consider the complexity of the world, but (based on my psychological background) I don't trust my feelings to tell me anything about the state of that world.

Mortgages and PhD

BHC - I don't think that your remark was sexist, and agree with your explanation of it.

I just don't see where it came from and how it was relevant to the thread...

Tough decision

Maybe you should base your decision on how well you get on with your potential supervisors and which project appeals to you more?

MSc Neuroscience Requirements

I figure it would be quite a bit different, do you have a background in biology (other than what you were taught in psych)? Probably psych will be ok cos it is related, but I really don't know for sure.

Why you doing neuroscience anyway - do you wanna change discipline or are you still approaching it from a psychology angle? Personally I'd be more inclined to do a cog neuro masters than straight neuroscience, but I guess it depends on your particular interest and the emphasis of the course.