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Major Corrections questions! Contacting old supervisor?

I've seen people in my department get 6 months for minor-majors if that makes sense! Basically the lesser end of the major corrections scale but a bit more than fixing typos....

I don't think there would be a problem with talking to your old supervisor if he was on your project at one time. I'm not sure about rules though! And yes, I know a few people who have emailed externals asking for clarification etc. on things but never written work.

Edited to add: I do not know anyone who has had major corrections rejected in the UK. I don't know anyone anywhere really (aside from on this forum).

Any advice on first year progression/transfer report

Quote From Tudor_Queen:
It just goes to show how much variation there is. Mine lasted 20 mins or half an hour at the most. I would have preferred one like Kenziebob's as that would have been more like prep for the real viva.

It was definitely worth it for that reason. I didn't know what to expect as there has been some variation in my department, but it was quite viva-like.

chat forum/app/groups

Quote From eng77:
Thanks kenziebob for your advise. I have registered at reddit. I am going to explore it in the next days. Usually you hear women saying " I just want someone to listen to me, I do not want a sloution". Although I am a man, but this is what I need sometimes. Someone to listen and understand. That is it. But it is still even too much to have :)

Here's the PhD students group: https://www.reddit.com/r/PhD/ and a general one for general support https://www.reddit.com/r/offmychest/. Apologies if it is not allowed to post links, if so then I'll remove them and send by DM.

Any advice on first year progression/transfer report

Quote From elenahillart92:
Hi everyone, my progression report for transfer to year two is due in in April and I was wondering if anyone has any recommendations for how to write it and what to expect at viva?

I didn't have any data then so simply went with a long intro and lit review, methods, ethics review + hopeful timelines. Then the mini-viva lasted an hour and 20 minutes and we went through the report sequentially, them pointing out their concerns and asking questions when appropriate. At the end they asked me to leave the room for 10 minutes whilst they filled in the form, and then I was asked back in and they handed me the form with the 'progress to PhD' box ticked.

Taking A Break

Can you take a reasonably short break? A month, for example?

What made you want to do the PhD in the first place? Is there something you can do to try and rediscover that motivation?

chat forum/app/groups

I use reddit a fair bit. There are quite a lot of groups on there for PhD students/working life and I've been surprised at the level of support you can find on there if you find the right group.

I definitely understand about friends and feeling comfortable sharing details. I have one very good friend who I was lucky enough to meet at Uni 10 years ago, and I do feel comfortable sharing pretty much anything with him. Apart from that though I'd say I only have 1 other friend. It can be lonely but then I'm happiest on my own! Sometimes I feel like it's more that it SHOULD feel lonely than it actually does.

Need advice - PhD and/or PGCE - do I stand a chance at teaching without?

Quote From StephanieK:
Thank you so much for that. I am currently teaching the Cambridge syllabus and experienced the same. I suppose to branch out to teach in public and private schools means the PGCE will improve my employability at the very least. Now to decide whether I should wait or attempt to complete two courses at once

I did the PGCE full time so no idea about how the part time works, but I wouldn't be able to do two at once. When you are on placement the school literally consumes your life, and I would regularly find myself working in the evenings after getting home at 7.30/7pm. This is all in the UK though :)

It would probably be alright for the parts when you are attending the University - those might only be once a week for PT's. It's the placements that would be tricky.

Need advice - PhD and/or PGCE - do I stand a chance at teaching without?

I don't know about SA but I do have experience in the UK. Here, I think it very much depends on what level of teaching you are looking at - primary schools do tend to require QTS (qualified teacher status, which a PGCE gives you), whereas subject-specific teaching at the higher end (higher/further education and to a lesser extent A-Levels) would probably be more open to you without QTS.

Edited to add that there is also a public/private division here -- the private school sector does not require a PGCE, although many schools prefer it.

This is just from my experience.

PhD Viva Panic ... Thesis full of mistake and its so disappointing

Quote From Nazanin21:
I have my PhD viva in a couple of weeks and have started preparing for it by reading through my thesis. I thought I had done a very good job with spotting all the typos and mishaps prior to submission but evidently, I was wrong. There are mistakes in literally every single page and they range from missing words, typos, missed commas, inconsistencies between the text and figure legends. I know I can't do anything about it now, but I really needed to rant about this where people understand what this feels like. I just feel so disappointed and honestly very embarrassed to have handed in such a rubbishy, careless piece of work. I just don't want to face the fact that I might get major corrections while I was really hoping for minor. I feel like such a looser if I get major corrections, I feel guilty for not having spotted things before submission ( I was severely sleep deprived), but still... URGHHH !!!!

It might well be a case of you thinking that it is a lot worse than it actually is. I would be very surprised if handing in a thesis that is riddled with typos is rare, if it was then surely most people would pass with no corrections!

That being said, I would start going through your thesis and highlighting/noting down any mistakes you spot. Take this to the viva and show the examiners you have already identified them, this can only be a good thing.

Teaching in first year?

Quote From Justboy:
Hi guys! I’m a recent masters graduate who has just been offered a PhD studentship last week. However, I decided to apply for this project pretty last minute and rushed through the application process. Before being offered the place, I had agreed to take on some associate lecturing at the same university (but in a different subject) for the next semester. Could this be a potential problem as neither the the module coordinators or the potential supervisor are fully aware of the situation and I’m unsure how to bring the subject up without coming across deceptive?

I would just be honest and tell your potential supervisor. At my institution we are allowed to work a maximum of 6 hours per week not related to our PhD - this includes any teaching and marking. There might be a similar rule at yours - you could check and talk to the department you will lecture in about fitting your lectures around this? I know a PhD student who is doing something similar, the only difference is they were already a PhD student when they got the AL job.

And about being deceptive - it will be a lot worse if you leave it and then your supervisor finds out from someone else (they WILL find out somehow). I'd just bite the bullet and tell them, but say that obviously your PhD is your top priority and you will work to ensure that the other work doesn't interfere with your PhD work. You could also say you thought it would enhance your ability to relay complicated phenomena to lay audiences, which is a skill even if the content is not directly related to your work.

Question about sampling

I used social media to recruit for my study and also an organisation called Prolific - they have a bank of over 10,000 people in the UK who sign up to do research - obviously this has self-selection bias as an implication. I got about 2/5 of my sample from there and the rest primarily from facebook groups and Twitter. Tweeting organisations/people involved in what you are looking at normally resulted in retweets, etc.

Not academia or industry, what else?

Thank you for the replies, they have given me a lot to think about. I do like the thought of a career in academia - I've been involved in organizing departmental conferences, and even joined the departmental teaching and learning group. I guess I am just very concerned about the competitiveness and the need for a plan B (which I need to figure out).

Not academia or industry, what else?

Hi everybody.

I'm part way through my second year of a PhD that is interdisciplinary in psychology (covering health and clinical psychology). I am starting to think about what to do after I finish and I'm really not sure which route to follow. I am thinking about academia but I realise how competitive it is, and as I am quite unique in where I 'fit' academically I'm not sure there will be a lot of room for me anywhere.

I'm also not in a lab-based field, so I can't really go to industry.

I realise this is an odd ask and I have done extensive googling before posting this, but I was wondering if those of you who have finished your PhD's could share about what you have been up to since you finished? If you are in academia how do you find it, and for those not in academia what do you do?



Big Excel Spreadsheets into a Word Doc

That's a good idea thanks Nad. I might put the spreadsheets themselves in the appendices.

Big Excel Spreadsheets into a Word Doc

Yeah, but ideally I don't want them to take up that much space.